
Can't rip any game you want. Please fix this. There is legit no reason why it should be an issue. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What the title says.
I go to rip an ISO that I've got, to CCI, and it says game not found. It isn't found on the list. Some are found, but not the right region. Mate, can you just let us rip whatever the heck we want? Why are we tied to a list for? If I was your manager, I would NEVER allow this software to be released like that. Sorry for being so blunt, but it's sheer lack of common sense like this that really fires me up. I'm off to stare at my 80 games in a folder that I can't rip using your software. And saddest part is, there is no other CCI converter out there. Yours is the only one, with conditions. You guys are known for your awesome work, so this is extremely disappointing to witness. I tried man. I even tried to turn the list off and bypass the list check. You just can't do it. Hire a quality control lad at your team. To prevent stuff like this in the future. Or hire me. I come cheap. Thank you very much. Back to not being able to rip games for no actual reason at all using your software. Have a lovely week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another issue now. I decided to be F'd in the ass by your list. Just is what it is. But now, I can't even rip your own games and regions that are on the list. A lot of games rip in two CCI files, EVEN when I set the program to NOT split the files at all. WHAT ON EARTH MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What next, want to blue screen our computers every time we enter the software. Do that next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Closing issue due to the inflammatory accusations.

To be "blunt", as you put it, If you don't like the software provided, make your own version that does what you need it to.

Or "simply" extract the default.xbe and get the necessary info and checksums of your ISOs and make your own list to process those 80 games.

If you fail to see why a curated official list has been made, go pound sand!

So you're going to be immature? Okay then. To the second issue at hand then, the files breaking into parts when the box is ticked to never break files into two. Splitting ISOs is turned off. It still splits ISOs and CCIs into two. Do you plan on fixing that at least? Or you don't give a crap about fixing that part of your software either? Great group!!!!!!!!!!! You really strive to deliver for your people. Great work.

If you feel this angry and can't restrain yourself from hurling abuse and accusations, please consider stepping away and touching grass for a moment.

I'm not the primary developer of this, but I'm authorized to manage and respond to issues related to our teams repositories.

You're welcome to contribute a fix to the issue instead of hurling abuse.
Did you even try going into the xbox-scene discord to try to resolve your issue before coming here?

You haven't even explained your use-case for needing the files to not split. If you're going to be using them ON the xbox, they have to split due to file system limitations.

It seems you don't understand why there is a need to split.

The filesystem on the xbox cannot take files larger than 4GB, if a CCI would end up larger than this, it absolutely is necessary to split the file.

The files are bundled with the attach.xbe as default.xbe to launch the games under a supported/patched bios.

As to the list, this is a curated version containing all ntsc titles, pal exclusives and japan exclusives.
The list is curated (and tested) with checksums for ISOs to ensure that there is no issues converting them so we can avoid user errors and not get blamed for them.

Any other title you want to process, you have to yourself put in the effort to obtain the necessary info for processing them and adding them to the json.