"# instrumental_website Instructions" This is a website created for a musical team. it must be concise and simple. No dashboard required

Note the following:

1.) This website will be built from scratch without a UI because the media team incharge of the UI are up and running based on the august training 2.) Some UI samples will be sent to you to follow in building your UI 3.) you can pick up sections from the different UI sent to you to make up your own template 4.) after concluding on the UI, the UI should be sent to the group for inspection to avoid complicated redo when working on it 5.) after the UI has been finally approved, the development of the website commences. 6.) you will pick a page each to do to avoid merge conflict and also seperate stylesheet file will be created for each page. 7.) the header and footer section will be created once in a file named header and footer respectively and all you will do is copy and paste the header code to each of the page needing the header and footer 8.) there will be a general stylesheet for that will be linked to all pages. this includes the header and footer section styles 9.) the only stylesheet expected to appear in all pages is the general.css file. other styles will be added respectively to the page they bear. e.g the index page will contain both general.css and index.css style, the about page will contain index.css and about.css style 10.) the images for the website will be found in the junk folder 11.) the footer section will have our addvertisement as the tech agency that created the website 12.) Roles will be distributed once the ui for the website has been determined. 13.) Ask any questions directly if you got one... ask the in the group or directly to my dm


SN => PAGES => FILENAME => Page title 1.) Homepage => index.html => God's Instrument 2.) Aboutpage => about.html => About God's Instrument 3.) Contactpage => contact.html => Contact God's Instrument