Scandela is a cartographic analysis and simulation software that allows local authorities to make the right decisions regarding their public lighting in order to reduce their electrical and environmental expenses while ensuring safety.
The web project is a cartography of the streetlights of Nantes. We can find all the light points of the city. By clicking on a street lamp we can see several information about it.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Scandela
Install all the dependecies and librairies of the project
cd scandelapp
npm update
npm start
The website is available at this address :
The documentation of the project is available in scandelapp/documentation/scandelapp/0.1.0/index.html
It can be generated with the command :
npm run generate-docs
The team is compose of 8 members of Epitech Nantes.
- @Nassim Alaimi : Fullstack
- @Enzo Bonato : Fullstack
- @Ismael Brossaud : Backend
- @Titouan Deschanels : Fullstack
- @Victor Harri-Chal : Frontend
- @Enzo Laurent : Backend
- @Keon Savic : Backend
- @Marvin Verain : Backend
You can contact us and send us any feedback at this address :