
Darwin Cydia Repo Manager - v4 redesigned in Django.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


DCRM - Darwin Cydia Repository Manager (Version 4)



DCRM means Darwin Cydia Repo (APT) Manager, which is designed for Jay Freeman's Cydia. Cydia is an universal package manager for jailbroken devices.

1.1. Features

  • full featured dashboard powered by Django and Django Suit
  • restful APIs with full documentation powered by Django REST framework
  • import Debian package (.deb) via http or ftp upload
  • manage packages, versions, sections and icons
  • sync control fields between db and the control file inside package automatically
  • auto generated depiction pages, mobile optimized
  • threaded comments & screenshots gallery
  • iOS version / product type compatibility check
  • version history & downgrade support
  • download count & statistics
  • scheduled tasks
  • multiple users / groups
  • CDN/OSS friendly
  • GPG signature
  • supports Docker

1.2. TODOs

  • apt pdiff feature
  • support for commercial packages
  • more themes


This demo is deployed using Container Optimized OS on Google Cloud.


  • Username: root
  • Password: dcrmpass

Watch the guide video: https://youtu.be/dvNCRckm2Cc


以下步骤能完整部署 DCRM 最新副本, 启用了任务队列及页面缓存支持, 你可以根据需要调整自己的配置.

  1. 如果你还没有下载此项目, 建议使用 git 克隆该仓库:
# download this project or clone this git repo:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/82Flex/DCRM.git && cd DCRM
  1. 构建并启动 DCRM 容器:
# build and launch DCRM via `docker-compose`
docker-compose up --build --detach
  1. 先附加到容器中:
# attach to `dcrm_app` container
docker exec -i -t dcrm_app /bin/bash
  1. execute in container: 在容器中执行命令:
# collect static files
python manage.py collectstatic --no-input

# create required database structures
python manage.py migrate

# create super user in database
python manage.py createsuperuser
  1. access admin panel via, you can upload packages via HTTP or FTP: 现在可以尝试访问 DCRM 后台了, 你可以通过 HTTP 或 FTP 方式上传软件包:
  • Default FTP username: dcrm
  • Default FTP password: dcrm_ftp_password

3.1. Docker Commands 常用命令

  1. 重新构建并在后台启动 DCRM (仅当代码发生变动, 不会影响数据)
# build and launch DCRM in background (when source code changed)
docker-compose up --build --detach
  1. 仅在后台启动 DCRM
# launch DCRM in background
docker-compose up --detach
  1. 在前台启动 DCRM
# launch DCRM in foreground to see what happens
docker-compose up
  1. 停止 DCRM
# shutdown DCRM
docker-compose down

3.2. Basic Configuration

here are a few steps you need to follow:

edit docker/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:

  1. set server_name to your domain
  2. configure your https server

edit DCRM/.env:

  2. DCRM_DEBUG: set it to 0 if you're providing subscription to others
  3. DCRM_SECURE_SSL: set it to 1 if you have https certs and properly configured
  4. DCRM_SECRET_KEY: set it to a random, unique string

edit docker-compose.yml:

  1. change default FTP username and password in services:pure-ftpd:environment, FTP_USER_NAME and FTP_USER_PASS, enable FTP over TLS if you want

3.3. Configure GnuPG

# 1. attach to `dcrm_app` container
docker exec -i -t dcrm_app /bin/bash

# 2. generate new GPG key
gpg --gen-key --homedir .gnupg
# or
# gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import private.key --homedir .gnupg

# 3. enable GPG feature and configure passphrase in `WEIPDCRM -> Settings -> Security`
# 4. create APT verification package in `WEIPDCRM -> Sections -> Action -> Generate icon package for selected sections`, which will install GPG public key to user's device


Before you publish your repository, there are a few steps you should follow: 部署完成后, 你还需要一些步骤来发布你的软件源:

  1. Sites

Set domains and site names. 在 Sites 中设置域名和站点名称

  1. WEIPDCRM -> Settings
  2. WEIPDCRM -> Releases

Add a new release and set it as an active release. 添加新的 Release 并将其设置为活跃状态

  1. WEIPDCRM -> Sections
  2. WEIPDCRM -> Upload -> New Package

Upload your debian package via HTTP or FTP. 上传你的 deb 包

  1. WEIPDCRM -> Versions

Enable package versions and assign them into sections. 记得启用你的 deb 包 (默认不启用), 并且将它们分配到源分类当中

  1. WEIPDCRM -> Builds

Build the repository to apply all the changes, thus you cannot add this repo in Cydia. 构建全源, 让所有更改生效 (第一次构建前, Cydia 中是无法添加该源的)



  • gzip, bzip2, xz (xz-devel)
  • Python 3.7 (CentOS: if compiled from source, make sure package xz-devel is installed)
  • Django 1.11+
  • MySQL (or MariaDB)
  • Redis (optional)
  • memcached (optional)
  • uwsgi, Nginx (production only)
  • vsftpd (or pure-ftpd, optional)

5.2. EXAMPLE 示例

  1. install dependencies: 安装依赖:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install git mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev python3-dev python3-pip libjpeg-dev tzdata
  1. configure mysql: 安装完成后, 登录到 mysql:
service mysql start
mysql -uroot -p
  1. create a database for this DCRM instance: 新建 DCRM 数据库:
  1. create mysql user dcrm and grant privileges: 新建 dcrm 用户并设置密码:
CREATE USER 'dcrm'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'thisisthepassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `DCRM`.* TO 'dcrm'@'localhost';
  1. clone this git repo: 在合适的位置克隆 DCRM:
mkdir -p /wwwdata
cd /wwwdata
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/82Flex/DCRM.git
cd /wwwdata/DCRM
  1. install python modules, virtualenv is recommended if you want: 安装必要的 python 模块:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -D mysql -u root -p
  1. enable redis support (task queue): 如果你还需要开启 Redis 支持 (用于任务队列):
apt-get install redis-server
service redis-server start
  1. enable memcached support (page caching): 如果你还需要开启页面缓存, 你可能还需要自行启动 memcached 服务:
apt-get install memcached
service memcached start
  1. modify DCRM/.env:
  • DCRM_DEBUG=1 for debugging, DCRM_DEBUG=0 for production
  • DCRM_HOST: add your domain
  • DCRM_SECRET_KEY: set it to a random, unique string
  • DCRM_MYSQL_*: your mysql configurations, you may use different 'DATABASE' across DCRM instances
  • DCRM_REDIS_*: your redis configurations, you may use different 'DB' numbers across DCRM instances
  • DCRM_MEMCACHED_*: your memcached configurations
  1. collect static files: 同步静态文件:
python3 manage.py collectstatic
  1. migrate database and create new super user: 同步数据库结构并创建超级用户:
python3 manage.py migrate
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
  1. run debug server: 启动测试服务器:
python3 manage.py runserver
  1. access admin panel via

5.3. IN PRODUCTION 生产环境示例

生产环境的配置需要有一定的服务器运维经验, 如果你在生产环境的配置过程中遇到困难, 我们提供付费的疑难解答.

We assumed that nginx uses www-data as its user and group. 假设 nginx 使用 www-data 用作其用户名和用户组名.

5.3.1. Configure UWSGI

here is an example of uwsgi.ini:


chdir = /home/DCRM
module = DCRM.wsgi

master = true
processes = 4
enable-threads = true
threads = 2
thunder-lock = true
socket = :8001
vaccum = true
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
safe-pidfile = /home/run/uwsgi-apt.pid
; daemonize = /dev/null

5.3.2. UWSGI Commands

# test
uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini

# run
uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini --daemonize=/dev/null

# kill
kill -INT `cat /home/run/uwsgi-apt.pid`

5.3.3. Configure Nginx/Apache

here is an example of nginx https site configuration file:

upstream django {
    server;  # to match your uwsgi configuration
server {
    listen 80;
    server_name apt.82flex.com;  # your domain
    rewrite ^/(.*)$ https://apt.82flex.com/$1 permanent;  # redirect to https
server {
    listen 443 ssl;

    ssl_certificate /wwwdata/ssl/1_apt.82flex.com_bundle.crt;  # your ssl cert
    ssl_certificate_key /wwwdata/ssl/2_apt.82flex.com.key;  # your ssl key
    ssl_session_timeout 5m;
    ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

    server_name apt.82flex.com;  # your domain
    root /wwwdata/wwwroot;  # specify a web root, not the DCRM directory
    error_page 497 https://$host$uri?$args;
    server_name_in_redirect off;
    index index.html;
    location = / {
        # only enable this section if you want to use DCRM as your home page
        rewrite ^ /index/ last;
    location / {
        # only enable this section if you want to use DCRM as your default pages
        try_files $uri $uri/ @djangosite;
    location ~^/static/(.*)$ {
        # static files for DCRM, you can change its path in settings.py
        alias /wwwdata/DCRM/static/$1;  # make an alias for static files

    location ~^/resources/(.*)$ {
        # resources for DCRM, including debian packages and icons, you can change it in WEIPDCRM > Settings in admin panel
        alias /wwwdata/DCRM/resources/$1;  # make an alias for resources
        # Aliyun CDN/OSS:
        # you can mount '/wwwdata/DCRM/resources' to oss file system
        # then rewrite this path to oss/cdn url for a better performance
    location ~^/((CydiaIcon.png)|(Release(.gpg)?)|(Packages(.gz|.bz2)?))$ {
        # Cydia meta resources, including Release, Release.gpg, Packages and CydiaIcon
        # Note:
        # 'releases/(\d)+/$1' should contain `active_release.id`, which is set in Settings tab.
        alias /wwwdata/DCRM/resources/releases/1/$1;  # make an alias for Cydia meta resources
    location @djangosite {
        uwsgi_pass django;
        include /etc/nginx/uwsgi_params;
    location ~* .(ico|gif|bmp|jpg|jpeg|png|swf|js|css|mp3|m4a|m4v|mp4|ogg|aac)$ {
        expires 7d;
    location ~* .(gz|bz2)$ {
        expires 12h;

here is an example of apache virtual host configuration file:

Alias /static        /home/DCRM/static
Alias /resources     /home/DCRM/resources
Alias /CydiaIcon.png /home/DCRM/resources/releases/1/CydiaIcon.png
Alias /Release       /home/DCRM/resources/releases/1/Release
Alias /Release.gpg   /home/DCRM/resources/releases/1/Release.gpg
Alias /Packages      /home/DCRM/resources/releases/1/Packages
Alias /Packages.gz   /home/DCRM/resources/releases/1/Packages.gz
Alias /Packages.bz2  /home/DCRM/resources/releases/1/Packages.bz2

<IfModule mod_proxy_uwsgi.c>
  ProxyPreserveHost On
  ProxyPass /static !
  ProxyPass /resources !
  ProxyPass /CydiaIcon.png !
  ProxyPass /Release !
  ProxyPass /Release.gpg !
  ProxyPass /Packages !
  ProxyPass /Packages.gz !
  ProxyPass /Packages.bz2 !
  ProxyPass / uwsgi://

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
  ExpiresActive On
  ExpiresByType image/png "access 7 days"
  ExpiresByType image/gif "access 7 days"
  ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access 7 days"
  ExpiresByType text/javascript "access 2 weeks"
  ExpiresByType text/css "access 2 weeks"
  ExpiresByType text/html "modification 4 hours"
  ExpiresDefault "access 2 hours"

5.3.4. NGINX Commands

# install Nginx
apt-get install nginx

# launch Nginx
service nginx start

# test Nginx configuration
nginx -t

# reload configuration
nginx -s reload

# launch nginx if it is down
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start

5.3.5. Configure Workers

# launch task queue with the same nginx working user (www/www-data)
su www-data

# if you cannot switch to user `www-data`, remember to change its login prompt in `/etc/passwd`. launch some workers for DCRM background queue
nohup ./manage.py rqworker high > /dev/null &
nohup ./manage.py rqworker default > /dev/null &

# you need at least one worker for each queue

worker 的数量以你的具体需求为准, 但是各队列中至少要有一个活跃 worker, 否则队列中的任务将一直保持挂起.

5.3.6. Configure GnuPG

# 1. install `gnupg2`
apt-get install gnupg2

# 2. make sure to launch background queue with the same nginx working user (www/www-data)
su www-data

# 3. generate new GPG key
gpg --gen-key --homedir .gnupg
# or
# gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import private.key --homedir .gnupg

# 4. enable GPG feature and configure passphrase in `WEIPDCRM -> Settings -> Security`
# 5. create APT verification package in `WEIPDCRM -> Sections -> Action -> Generate icon package for selected sections`, which will install GPG public key to user's device


7. LICENSE 版权声明

As long as you do not use the DCRM in a business or money-making venture, it is free for your own personal use. If you use DCRM in commercial projects (e.g. hosting commercial packages), please consider buy a commercial license.

PayPal receipt is valid proof of purchase of DCRM licence.

SINGLE: Use DCRM in one commercial project


UNLIMITED: Use DCRM in unlimited commercial projects


Copyright © 2013-2020 Lessica, Hintay, 0xJacky and all DCRM contributors

The program is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.