
More descriptive error messages

Opened this issue · 12 comments

Some errors we have encountered that are annoying to debug

  • Missing config key
  • Wrong type for config node
  • Missing command

Proposal: add an "Expecting" log level. This would be for when something is expecting something else, and will crash when it does not exist. Examples include config and Kremlin.

So we are going to clutter the log with a bunch of those messages?

They can be hidden in TatorTool by default

There are better solutions than that

I think my solution solves other problems too, and generally helps with debugging.

Also, doing anything with YAML will be a pain.

@amikhalev Why don't you do this? I barely know where to begin.


Missing command: done
All things yaml: not done

@PlasmaPower Another thing that would help is better stack traces, but I'm not sure if that is possible

@amikhalev For one thing, we could preload /lib/ for better seg fault messages.