
A scouting system based off of QR code scanning. (ABANDONED [end of 2016 frc season])

Primary LanguageJavaScript

QR-Scout otherwise known as LARS (at least for now)


A QR based Scouting system for FRC. Made for mobile web. There is a wiki now. It's still being written but it's has something


A phone with access to the internet, once (for about 10 seconds).

Outside Libraries Used:

WebCodeCam for QR scanning. jquery-qrcode for QR code creation.


  • Changed Folder names to fix [issue] (#1) 2/13/16
  • Added items from [protected] (https://github.com/Team334/QR-Scout/tree/master/protected) 2/13/16
  • Minor Css Changes || Started Work on collect data page || Collect.js changes (functions added) || Continued Work on collect data page 2/15/16
  • Everything kinda changed. Been awhile since a commit || major work on Collect pages and login moved to Google Sign in to get ready for open source release 2/25/16
  • Collect.html is done! edit: no it wasn't || Work on compression of data for QR code generation || Update: Data encoding and QR generation done || Added pit scouting option 2/27/16
  • Collection Pages officially done (for now) || reset function added to collection || all collection bugs fixed 2/28/16
  • Been awhile since the git was updated. || as per request of the project manager there has been a total overhaul happening 3/10/16
  • COMPITION DAY!! It's done, lots of things were changed, go look at the code to figure that out. Let's hope we win. 3/11/16

Special thanks to Kevin