
CLIM (CLI Manager). A programming language package manager written in Rust.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

CLIM (CLI Manager)


Often as a software engineer, you are working with a multiple programming language. And sometimes, the programming language itself has its own package manager to install or delete a package. The problem is, some people cannot memorize every command. So, here comes CLIM.

Download Channel

How to Use Clim

For Windows user:

  1. Download the executable file from the download channel.
  2. Save the file where it was downloaded
  3. Create a folder in C:\Program Files\ and name it to clim
  4. Move the file to C:\Program Files\clim
  5. Now, edit the environment variable and add C:\Program Files\clim to the path
  6. If you have any command prompt open, close it and reopen the command prompt
  7. Type clim and press enter
  8. Navigate through the options via arrow key and enter


Main menu

Check version menu

Checking NPM version