
code<br> is an application dashboard for developers that provides break reminders, food suggestions, a notepad for thoughts/insights/reminders, and a rubber ducky programming companion. This app is integrated with basic and bearer auth login for additional security and includes an extensive test suite.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The dev mind you've been waiting for...

Meet the Creators

Marquesa Asmussen

Christopher Burk

Sarah Creager

Roop Hayer

Harvey Lucas

Version: 1.0.0


code<br> is an application dashboard for developers that provides break reminders, food suggestions, a notepad for thoughts/insights/reminders, and a rubber ducky programming companion. This app is integrated with basic and bearer auth login for additional security and includes an extensive test suite.

Our Mission

We are on a mission to make healthier devs so they can build a better world. Our application helps you find balance and a healthy headspace as a developer.

Problem Domain

You just need 20 more minutes to solve this bug...okay maybe 30 more minutes. You glance up at the clock in frustration. 2 hours have passed. Then you realize you haven't eaten lunch...

If you're a developer, you can probably relate to this. Forgetting to take breaks, sitting for hours on end, getting frustrated when you've been stuck on the same problem for hours on end. We've all been there. So our team of developers at code<br set out to change that and to help prevent developer burnout. The overall emphasis of our application is to help you find balance and create a healthy headspace. When you're feeling drained, come to code<br> and reboot.

Project Overview

Title Languages/Frameworks/Libraries/Tools
Frontend React, Netlify, Material UI, Jest, MSW, Axios, Jsonwebtoken, SCSS
Backend Node.js, Express, Heroku, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3, Sequelize, Jest, Supertest, Jsonwebtoken, Axios, Base-64, Bcrypt
Integrations Yelp API


  1. npm install

    • axios
    • base-64
    • bcrypt
    • cors
    • dotenv
    • express
    • jest
    • jsonwebtoken
    • pg
    • sequelize
    • sequelize-cli
    • sqlite3
    • supertest
  2. npm start

sample .env




User Stories

Login/Logout Feature

As a user I want to be able to login and logout of my account

Feature Tasks:

User can press login to access account User can press signup to create a new account


When the user signs up, they can create a new account When the user signs in, they can access the home page

Change color theme

As a user, I want to change colors for the theme of the app

Feature Tasks: Add toggle switch to change colors from dark to light and vice-versa.

Acceptance: When user clicks on toggle switch, it should change theme.

Order food

As a user, I want to restore my energy by ordering a meal or snack.

Feature Tasks:

Add textfield for entering a search location (zip code). Add component/ route to display Yelp API restaurant results based on location.

Acceptance Tests:

When user enters zip code, restaurant results should display.


As a user, I want to have timer for break.

Feature Tasks:

Add timer tab that can be changed to desired minutes and user can start and stop.

Acceptance Tests:

User should be able to change time intervals. User should be able to start and stop the time.

Rubber Duck

As a user, I want to have a one way conversation with Rubber Duck.

Feature Tasks:

Add ruby duck animation.

Acceptance Tests:

User should be able to click on Rubber Duck rendering it to the web page.


wireframe 1 wireframe screenshot

wireframe 2 wireframe2 screenshot

Software Requirements

Check out our software requirements doc!

Resources and Contributions



Deployed Site Links


Future Implementations

  • Integrate break reminder into React Native app so break reminder can notify user's phone if they step away from desktop
  • Create a mental reset component that leads user through a quick 30-60 second breathing exercise
  • Provide user song suggestions for coding workflow based on mood