
A Free Silent (Hidden) Open-Source Native Binder - Includes Windows Defender Bypass - EyeBinder

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

EyeBinder 1.3.0 - A free silent native file binder

A free silent (hidden) open-source native file binder.

Main Features

  • Native or Managed - Builds the final executable as a native (C) or a managed (.NET C#) 32-bit file depending on choice
  • Silent - Drops and executes (if enabled) files without any visible output unless the bound program has one
  • Multiple files - Supports binding any amount of files
  • Compatible - Supports all tested Windows version (Windows 7 to Windows 11) and all file types
  • Windows Defender exclusions - Can add exclusions into Windows Defender to ignore any detections from the bound files
  • Icon/Assembly - Supports adding an Icon and/or Assembly Data to the built file
  • Fake Error - Supports displaying a fake error message when file is originally started


v1.3.0 (30/08/2022)

  • Added new managed (.NET C#) assembly compiler and C# program files
  • Added option to choose between building native (C) or managed (.NET C#) builds
  • Added "Current Directory" into the file "Drop Location" option
  • Rewrote native build program code for fewer detections
  • Obfuscated all commands and added command string morphing to avoid static string detection
  • Changed Windows Defender exclusion commands to the new undetected form
  • Added save and load functionality to the builder
  • Added message box type selection to the "Fake Error" option
  • Changed compilers to always compile with a manifest to reduce detections
  • Restructured all project folders and files
  • Updated compilers


  • Anon


I, the creator, am not responsible for any actions, and or damages, caused by this software.

You bear the full responsibility of your actions and acknowledge that this software was created for educational purposes only.

This software's main purpose is NOT to be used maliciously, or on any system that you do not own, or have the right to use.

By using this software, you automatically agree to the above.

❤️Thank you Supporters❤️

