
THH ↔ deep-deep integration

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

THH deep-deep integration

This is a service that listens to kafka topic and starts/stops deep-deep crawler, sends back progress updates, samples of crawled pages and the link model. It also starts the broad crawl using trained link model.

Docker-compose (see "Running with docker" below) also starts the hh-page-classifier image that is responsible for training the page score model (see https://github.com/TeamHG-Memex/hh-page-classifier).

API docs are in docs/API.rst in https://github.com/TeamHG-Memex/sitehound/ repo.

Note that the docker client API version on host must be not older than server docker API version in Ubuntu 16.04 (currently 1.24, you can check it with docker version). Minimal docker-compose version is 1.10.

Install docker and docker-compose (assuming Ubuntu 16.04):

sudo apt install -y docker.io python-pip
sudo -H pip install docker-compose

Add yourself to docker group (requires re-login):

sudo usermod -aG docker <username>

For development, clone the repo and init submodules:

git clone git@github.com:TeamHG-Memex/hh-deep-deep.git
cd hh-deep-deep
git submodule update --init

For production, just get docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.kafka-host.yml from this repo.

Download lda.pkl (not used at the moment) and random-pages.jl.gz from s3://darpa-memex/thh/ and put them to ./models folder:

cd models
wget https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/darpa-memex/thh/random-pages.jl.gz
wget https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/darpa-memex/thh/lda.pkl
cd ..

If you are running kafka docker on the same host, include it in the docker-compose config via several -f options. It should be exposed as hh-kafka and have a health-check defined. An example is in docker-compose.kafka.yml:

docker-compose \
    -f docker-compose.yml \
    -f docker-compose.kafka-example.yml \
    up -d

If you are running kafka docker on a different host, export the host name:

export KAFKA_HOST=

and start all services with:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.kafka-host.yml up -d

For development, in order to include locally built images, include docker-compose.dev.yml file as well, and pass --build, for example:

docker-compose \
    -f docker-compose.yml \
    -f docker-compose.kafka-example.yml \
    -f docker-compose.dev.yml \
    up --build

In order to update existing development installation, do:

git pull
git submodule update --init

Run the service passing kafka host as --kafka-host (or leave it blank if testing locally):

hh-deep-deep-service [trainer|crawler] --kafka-host hh-kafka

Install test requirements:

pip install -r tests/requirements.txt

Build images for testing:

docker build -t dd-crawler-hh -f docker/dd-crawler.docker docker/
docker build -t deep-deep-hh -f docker/deep-deep.docker docker/
docker build -t hh-deep-deep-test-server tests/
docker build -t hh-kafka -f docker/kafka.docker docker/

Start kafka test server:

docker run -it --rm --name kafka \
    -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 \
    --env ADVERTISED_HOST= \
    --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 \

Start login test server:

docker run --rm -it --name hh-deep-deep-test-server \
    hh-deep-deep-test-server login

Run tests:

py.test --doctest-modules \
    --cov=hh_deep_deep --cov-report=term --cov-report=html \
    tests hh_deep_deep

One test (tests/test_service.py::test_service) takes much longer than the others and can leave docker containers running if there is some error and you are unlucky or press Ctrl+C more than once before crawls are stopped. It's better to run it separately during development, adding -s flag.

To run all other tests, use:

py.test tests/ -k-slow