Team Mango

##Introduction The RPG game was developed as a team project for the C# OOP Course in Telerik Academy by the “Mango” team.

##Team Members

Name Username
Pavel Pavlov argidux
Georgi Nikolov george3653
Ivo Paunov ivo.paunov
Bianka Hinova alara_kalama
Vasil Sarandev Wasilsarandev
Stella Vulcheva stellaval
Viktor Ivanov vicho86
VenelinPetkov venelingp

###Menu Screenshot1


Screenshot1 Screenshot1 Screenshot1 Screenshot1 #Object-Oriented Programming

##General Requirements Fulfilled:

####Defined and implemented the following object-oriented assets in our project:

 At least 5 interfaces (with one or more implementations)

 At least 15 classes (implementing the application logic)

 At least 3 abstract classes (with inheritors)

 At least 1 custom exception class (with usage in your code)

 At least 3 levels of depth in inheritance

 At least 1 polymorphism usage

 At least 1 enumeration

 At least 1 event (with subscribers)

 At least 1 design pattern (e.g. Composite, Singleton, Factory, Wrapper, Bridge, Command, etc.)

##Optional Requirements:

 Static members (fields, properties, constructor, etc.)

 Constants, generic types, indexers, operators

 Lambda expressions and LINQ

 Implementation of IEnumerable, ICloneable, ToString() override

 Namespaces (if your classes are too much)

 User interface (UI) – console, graphical, web or mobile

##Class Diagram: Diagram