
An IoT sensor platform based on particle.io's Arduino-like processors. Currently for monitoring an older person living alone, but a great platform to use for other projects too.

Primary LanguageEagle


SIS stands for "Standalone Intelligent Sensor" system. The documents in this repository provide everything you need to make and deploy your own SIS. You'll find concept documents, a FAQ, the firmware for your Arduino-like particle.io processor, printed circuit board files, parts lists, links to sources for all the parts, detailed assembly instructions, source code to a control web page, and a complete users guide. At Team Practical Projects we always make a complete project! And we know this repo is complete because, unknown to us, someone in Europe made one!

We are looking for people who are interested in building and using the SIS. We are also interested in ideas for expanding the current SIS with additional useful features and we are open to ideas for additional applications of the base SIS technology (some ideas are in the Concept document). SIS is an open source project and we are interested in improvements that other developers might wish makethemselves and/or to collaborate with us on.

If you want to use this project, download the Master branch. That is the currently released and well tested code.

If you have code to contribute, then generate a pull request for the Development branch. We don't want to take in pulls for master branch unless it is some critical issue with the current release.

We are two hobbyists who work on the SIS in our spare time. You don't have to be a hardcore, gung-ho, work on it until you drop, kind of person; we certainly aren't. Collaboration could just mean that you'd like to have one of these to install and test somewhere. We are open to make changes to the code to fit your need, as long as you provide us feedback on how it works and ideas on how to improve it.

We're currently working on three big things:

  • Low power custom sensors... This project includes Arduino code to make your own wireless sensor, but running an Arduino requires regular power. We're working on using the ATTiny platform in power-down mode so we (you) could make any kind of low power sensor you want!
  • Graphical output in the client... Thanks to a contributor in the Netherlands we are experimenting with the Google graph "Timeline". It provides a strip chart view of the sensor log. This is more usable than the current text list. If you want to help with this, let us know and we'll share that branch.

Of course collaboration could also mean that you want to add functions to the core firmware or javascript web site. That would be cool too.

The documentation is the best place to learn about the project. We starting a Wiki with little tips for new developers.

Send us a message to join in the fun: SISProject@shrimpware.com

Read about the SIS at other places on the web: