
Hello! 👋

The repository is divided into 3 modules

Ricktionary Sub-Modules:

  1. Resources

This module will contain the LevelImage class (you know, the object containing the image data, image answer, and other stuff that Client/Server can use) Server & Client are dependent on this module

  1. Server

This module will contain the code for Server app, its unit-tests and other relevant server stuff

Compiled jar for the Server app will be available here.

  1. Client

This module will contain the code for Client app, its unit tests and other stuff. The compiled jar for the Client app will be available in this directory (or published via a Release, idk, will figure it out)

Stuff to keep in mind:

  • Always pull before you start editing code


  • We'll be doing the development work on the development branch and main will be used to mark significant releases.
    When your respective work is done, open a Pull Request from your branch to development branch.

    (This is the way how to avoid merge conflicts unlike last time)