Telegram Group Calls Streaming bot with some useful features, written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. Supporting platforms like Youtube, Spotify, Resso, AppleMusic, Soundcloud and M3u8 Links.
- AlphaEliasPY
- anonymouskidxz
- asdlei99
- Azim-AzizovSV Developers
- dolaisubo
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- eldorplusPerso
- esmithmxrs
- HappyUnknown
- LilProbeXx
- matesa
- mayaesnaida
- mikoonly
- mohammad-imanni
- Mohan-Kumar9103
- MrnikhilllWheels mart auto & finance
- NotReallyShikharTeamYukki
- olajesu4real
- pradepvTiruvannamalai
- Sepatu-BotHOME
- syaipudinaliSYP Ali
- thantzan212
- tilaksingha
- Vickyftw
- Vivekkumar-IN
- wahidawamiPOOL's