
A server to handle Stripe webhooks with customizable handlers

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

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A server to handle Stripe webhooks. Add your own custom event handlers.


go get github.com/teamwork/stripehooks

go run main.go or go build && ./stripehooks

This accepts a port and a path part for configuring the endpoint e.g. ./stripehooks --help

Usage of ./stripehooks:
  -path="stripe": the endpoint to recieve webhooks on e.g. 'stripe' would be http://localhost:<port>/stripe
  -port=8080: port number to bind the server to e.g. '8080' would be http://localhost:8080/<path>


In events/register.go add your event handlers to RegisterEventHandlers() function for any of the various events that Stripe send to your endpoint. You can see the list of events Stripe sends here. Here is an example of handling an invoice.payment_succeeded event.

// Example handle incoming hook for invoice.payment_succeeded event
registerEventHandler("invoice.payment_succeeded", func(event *stripe.Event) error {
    fmt.Printf("Event %s handled, type %s\n", event.ID, event.Type)
    return nil

eventHandlers is a map[string]eventHandler that holds all the events you register. There is also a validationHandler for checking the event Stripe sends down. This is typically either checking the event back with Stripe (extra step for security) or to use the event as-is and trust it. Examples of both are provided

func VerifyEventWithStripe(hook StripeWebhook) (*stripe.Event, error) {
    if !hook.LiveMode {
        return &stripe.Event{
            Data: &hook.Data,
            Live: hook.LiveMode,
            Type: hook.Type,
            ID:   hook.ID,
        }, nil
    stripe.Key = "" // your private stripe api key goes here
    return event.Get(hook.ID)
validationHandler = func(hook StripeWebhook) (*stripe.Event, error) {
     return &stripe.Event{
         Data: &hook.Data,
         Live: hook.LiveMode,
         Type: hook.Type,
         ID:   hook.Id,
     }, nil


The only dependecies outside of the standard library are

  • "github.com/stripe/stripe-go"
  • "github.com/stripe/stripe-go/event"

I would recommend vendoring the stripe dependencies.