
This is the Community Website Repo for Tech Squad. Please note that this link is not the reference to Contribute, this is the Version 1.0 of the website which is the main branch (deployment branch), after this month we will release the Version 2.0 which is in progress on Dev branch (default branch)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TechSquad Community is the what you need to get started in Coding and Development

This is a Community website under development. This community aims to create awareness among the students and working professionals about open source programs, hackathons, CTFs and Internship Programs to create a difference in society. We have study materials, blogs, posts regarding upcoming events and much more so that everyone has access to these opportunities.


Programs we have been a part of

No. Program Name Duration Deployment
1. GirlScript Summer of code (GSSoC) 2022 1st Mar 2022 - 31st May 2022 TechSquad Community Website

Connect with us !


Contributors 🫂

Steps for Contributing 🚀

Refer to this YouTube Video for reference!

  • Fork and clone the Repo by typing the following commands in the terminal
$ git clone https://github.com/Tech-Squad-Community/techsquad-community-website.git

$ cd techsquad-community-website
  • Now to add your resource to website, add an object with keys same as listed in existing objects in the file.
  • Save and commit your code.
  • Push to your fork of the repository , navigate to original repository and make a pull request.

  • Clone the Repository after forking
$ git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/techsquad-community-website.git

$ cd techsquad-community-website
  • Make changes to the code(for ex- add an update route)

  • Create a Branch using:

$ git checkout -b <branch-name>
  • Stage your changes using:
$ git add .
  • Commit your changes using:
$ git commit -m "add any comment"
  • Push the changes to the forked repository using:
$ git push origin <branch-name>
  • Navigate to the original repository and make a pull request
  • In case of merge conflict fetch and merge from the remote repository


Happy?? Star ⭐ this Repo. 🤩