Tech Tweakers - Polaris LLM

Learning project to build a Llama LLM model from scratch based on "Llama from Scratch" by Brian Kitano.

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Polaris LLM is a custom language model developed using PyTorch. This project encompasses scripts for training the model on a character-level dataset and executing inference with the trained model. The development of Polaris LLM serves educational purposes and is based and inspired by the Llama from Scratch blog post by Brian Kitano.

Latest Inference

Original Input Latest Inference
Original Input Latest Inference


Polaris LLM demonstrates the process of building a language model from the ground up, showcasing the intricacies of model architecture and training. It provides hands-on experience with advanced concepts in natural language processing and deep learning.

The training script ( uses PyTorch to train a language model named 'Llama', which incorporates advanced techniques like RoPE (Rotary Positional Embeddings) and SwiGLU activations.

The inference script ( is designed to load the trained 'Llama' model and generate predictions based on input text.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.x
  • PyTorch
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib


Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd Polaris-llm

Training the Model

1 - Prepare your dataset: The dataset should be a text file where the text data is used for training the model. The input file should be placed in the root directory. In the Makefile there is some functions to improve the dataset, like removing special characters, strings, add tags, etc.

2 - Run the training script: The training script will train the model and save the trained model to the models directory. The script will also monitor performance metrics. The script can be run with the following command:



After training, use the script for generating text:

1 - Load the trained model: Ensure that the trained model .pth file is accessible to the script.

2 - Run the inference script:

# Example command
python3 --maxtokens 5000 --temperature 0.7 --top_k 1 --top_p 10 --user_input

# Help
Polaris LLM Inferencer v0.1.0
usage: [-h] [--maxtokens MAXTOKENS] [--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--top_k TOP_K] [--top_p TOP_P] [--user_input]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --maxtokens MAXTOKENS
                        Maximum new tokens to generate
  --temperature TEMPERATURE
                        Sampling temperature
  --top_k TOP_K         Top K filtering
  --top_p TOP_P         Top P (nucleus) filtering
  --user_input          Enable user input for text generation

Dataset and Vocabulary

The dataset file used for training must be the same file to be used for the Vocabulary. The Vocabulary is generated from the dataset file and is used to encode the text data into integers. If you train the model on one dataset and then try to use a different Vocabulary for inference, the model will not be able to decode the text data.


Training Script (

  • Character-Level Tokenization: Splits the text into characters and encodes them as integers.
  • Model Architecture: Defines the 'Llama' model along with its subcomponents like RoPEMaskedMultiheadAttention and SwiGLU.
  • Training Loop: Iteratively trains the model, saves checkpoints, and monitors performance metrics.

Inference Script ( - Under Development!

  • Model Loading: Loads the trained 'Llama' model from a .pth file.
  • Tokenization and Encoding: Converts input text into the model-readable format.
  • Text Generation: Generates output text based on the input provided.


You can customize various aspects of the training and inference process:

  • Model Parameters: Adjust the MASTER_CONFIG in both scripts to change model dimensions, layer counts, etc.
  • Dataset: Replace input.txt with your dataset file for training on different text data.
  • Vocabulary: The same file used for the dataset should be used for the Vocabulary creation.


Contributions to Polaris LLM are welcome. Please read for guidelines on how to contribute.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



Special thanks to Brian Kitano for his insightful Jupiter Notebook, OpenAI's ChatGPT, and GitHub Copilot for their invaluable assistance and guidance in the development of this project. These AI tools, alongside Brian's foundational work, have significantly contributed through code suggestions, debugging, and providing insights into best practices in machine learning and software development. Their collaborative aid underscores a remarkable blend of human creativity and AI efficiency, illustrating the spirit in technological advancement and innovation.