CSCI 366 - Fall 2021

This is the root folder for the CSCI 366 class project

The class is broken up into three sections:

  • The CPU & Assembly in /assembly
  • C Programming in /c
  • Cloud Computing in /cloud

You will see there are three folders corresponding to these three areas in this directory, as well as a grading folder that is used to grade your projects.

Getting Your Private Copy

Please use the following steps to create a private copy of this repo for your work:

  • Create a private repository in your own account by
    • Going to
    • Enter the name csci-366-fall2021-private
    • Select Private
    • Navigate to the Settings -> Manage Access section
    • Add 1cg as a collaborator
  • Now run the following git commands, substituting your Github user name and NetID where required:
$ git clone csci-366-fall2021-private
$ cd csci-366-fall2021-private
$ git remote set-url origin<YOUR GITHUB USER NAME>/csci-366-fall2021-private.git
$ git remote add upstream
$ git push origin master