
This project deals with the classification of the bank customers on whether a customer will leave the bank (i.e.; churn) or not, by applying the below steps of a Data Science Project Life-Cycle 1. Data Exploration, Analysis and Visualisations 2. Data Pre-processing 3. Data Preparation for the Modelling 4. Model Training 5. Model Validation 6. Optimized Model Selection based on Various Performance Metrics 7. Deploying the Best Optimized Model into Unseen Test Data 8. Evaluating the Optimized Model’s Performance Metrics The business case of determining the churn status of bank customers are explored, trained and validated on 7 different classification algorithms/models as listed below and the best optimized model is selected based on the accuracy metrics. 1. Decision Tree Classifier - CART (Classification and Regression Tree) Algorithm 2. Decision Tree Classifier - IDE (Iterative Dichotomiser) Algorithm 3. Ensemble Random Forest Classifier Algorithm 4. Ensemble Adaptive Boosting Classifier Algorithm 5. Ensemble Hist Gradient Boosting Classifier Algorithm 6. Ensemble Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Classifier Algorithm 7. Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classifier Algorithm

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook
