Objects 💻

Task 1 🎯

Squares of numbers

Print the squares of all positive integers not greater than n in increasing order.


One positive integer n (n ≤ 10**9).


Print the list of all positive integers not greater than n in increasing order.

🕑 Time limit 1 second

💾 Memory limit 128 MiB

Input example 1


Output example 1

1 4 9 

Input example 2


Output example 2

1 4 9 16 

Task 2 🎯

Maximum among four numbers

Four numbers a, b, c, d are given. Find the maximum among them.


Four integers, not greater than 1000 by absolute value.


Print the maximum among four numbers.

🕑 Time limit 1 second

💾 Memory limit 128 MiB

Input example 1

1 2 3 4

Output example 1


Task 3 🎯

Single Number

Given a non-empty array of integers nums, every element appears twice except for one. Find that single one.

You must implement a solution with a linear runtime complexity and use only constant extra space.

🕑 Time limit 1 second

💾 Memory limit 128 MiB

Input example 1


Output example 1


Input example 2


Output example 2


Task 4 🎯

Majority Element

Given an array nums of size n, return the majority element.

The majority element is the element that appears more than ⌊n / 2⌋ times. You may assume that the majority element always exists in the array.

🕑 Time limit 1 second

💾 Memory limit 128 MiB

Input example 1


Output example 1


Input example 2


Output example 2


Task 5 🎯

First Unique Character in a String

Given a string s, find the first non-repeating character in it and return its index. If it does not exist, return -1.

🕑 Time limit 1 second

💾 Memory limit 128 MiB

Input example 1


Output example 1


Input example 2


Output example 2


Input example 3


Output example 3
