
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Omegle Bot

  • What is this
  • How does it works?
    • Connection
    • Console
    • Telegram
  • Contacts

What is this?

This is a software that allow you to talk with people on omegle through console or telegram bot.

How does it works?


This basically simulate the connection a browser does to omegle for start chatting.
For starting chatting first we have to obtain a "token" by doing a get request to
After getting the token we start doing post requests to
This return what is happening:

  • Found a chat
  • Received message
  • Stranger disconnected

Once we found a chat, we can start receiving messages and sending messages by doing a post request to
And, when we want to disconnect we just send a post requests to
Every post request have these params: token
For sending message also the message we want to send.


For using the connection with the console and start chatting we just send commands in the console.

  • newchat -> start new chat
  • stopchat -> stop current chat
  • startyping -> send post request for saying to the server we are "typing"
  • stoptyping -> send post request for saying that we have stopped typing
  • Every other messages -> Send that message to the chat


For telegram i had to create a bot for allowing someone to send messages/commands
The code is a little bit modified since the bot allow multiple chat to be active at the same time.


For contacting me