
PoultryMedManager is a Python application for managing poultry health and medication. Featuring a PyQt5 GUI and integrated SQLite database, it features a user-friendly GUI, making it easy to track medication schedules, record health data, and receive timely notifications, ideal for poultry farmers and veterinarians.

Primary LanguagePython



PoultryMedManager is a Python-based application designed to streamline the management of poultry medication. Utilizing a user-friendly interface built with PyQt5, this application simplifies record-keeping, tracking, and managing poultry health and medication data.


  • Graphical User Interface: Easy-to-navigate GUI for seamless interaction with the application.
  • Database Integration: Incorporates SQLite database for robust data storage and retrieval.
  • Medication Tracking: Efficiently manage and track medication schedules and records.
  • Notification System: Alerts for medication schedules and important reminders.

Technology Stack

  • Python: Core programming language.
  • PyQt5: For creating the graphical user interface.
  • SQLite: Database used for storing and managing application data.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install Python and PyQt5.
  3. Run PoultryMedicMgtApp.py to start the application.
  4. Explore the functionalities for managing poultry medication.


Contributions to PoultryMedManager are welcome! Please feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.


  • PyQt5 Library
  • SQLite Database