

Name Version
aws >= 4.55.0


Name Version
aws >= 4.55.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_elasticache_parameter_group.custom resource
aws_elasticache_replication_group.redis resource
aws_elasticache_subnet_group.redis resource


Name Description Type Default Required
apply_immediately Specifies whether any modifications are applied immediately, or during the next maintenance window. bool false no
auto_minor_version_upgrade Specifies whether minor version engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the underlying Cache Cluster instances during the maintenance window. Only supported if the engine version is 6 or higher. bool null no
automatic_failover_enabled Automatic failover flag bool n/a yes
custom_parameters Custom parameters of parameter group list(any) [] no
description Description string "" no
engine_version Engine version string n/a yes
log_delivery_configuration Configuration For logs list(map(any)) [] no
maintenance_window Maintenance Window for cache cluster string n/a yes
multi_az_enabled falg for enable multi az bool false no
name Redis name string n/a yes
node_type Node type string n/a yes
number_cache_clusters Nuber of instance in cluster number n/a yes
port Redis port number "6379" no
security_group_id Security group id string n/a yes
subnet_ids Subnet ids for subnet group any n/a yes


Name Description
endpoint n/a
member_clusters n/a
port n/a
url n/a


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.