
Busking Radar is the final group project which was created in order to complete the Berlin TechLabs Bootcamp. The team disciplines included UX/UI design, Web Development, and Data Science. All disciplines were put into practice to develop Busking Radar. Using interactive map for displaying street performances the Busking Radar makes outdoor live entertainment easily discoverable for any user and helps buskers draw a larger audience to their performances. Visit project


  • Andrew Moussa UX
  • Basan Kuberlinov Project Lead and WD
  • Celestine Onwuka WD
  • Claudia Cappai UX
  • Ken Dolman WD
  • Padcha Runtasevee DS
  • Sefine K. DS
  • Mentor: Bernardo Sunderhus


Front End: CRA, React, Redux, Thunk, Axios, Node-Sass, Moment.js and react-dates(managing dates), React-Router-Dom 5, React-Query Material UI

Backend: Node.js, Express, Cors, MongoDB Atlas, Mongoose

PROJECT STATUS The project is still in production. MVP restrictions include:

Event can only be filtered by dates or searched by genre or event name. Event type list is restricted to Music. Data Set with the list of popular locations for busking are included in the database but are not implemented yet. The aim is to include more types of street performances, as well as more filters for events and the filters for user's events (past, current, future). Moreover, in the post MVP Non-Busker users can create an account and follow Buskers, the Buskers will receive notifications to confirm that the event will take place, non-Buskers will receive about the current events near them.

###What is Busking Radar? Busking Radar is an app that makes outdoor live entertainment easily discoverable for any user and helps buskers draw a larger audience to their performances.

Here's some background:

###Why build such an app? Street performances are a way for artists to earn some income & build a fanbase. This app would allow a day to day opportunity for the buskers to attract an audience. From the fans point of view, street performances are a way to see live entertainment for free. With this app, we make live street performance easily discoverable.

###What is the motivation? This app could help support a valuable cultural trait (street performance) and allow it to thrive. During the pandemic, street performances are one of the few cultural activities, which people can experience. The app could help the public find out about those performances.

###What user problems are you attempting to solve? Connecting users to outdoor live entertainment. Provide buskers with the information about city regulations concerning street music performances (This is something that we later included as our Post MVP) Allow users to access a "library" of public events with all the necessary information in just one app (ex. type of live entertainment, time, number of users participating at the event, rating of the performer (Post MVP) etc.)

###What's our goal? Our GOAL is to create a platform with a user-friendly interface, which would make outdoor live entertainment easily discoverable for any user and in this way help buskers to draw a larger audience to their performances.

###What's NOT our goal? What we do NOT want to do is not to create a social network for buskers and fans. The main focus should be on performances and their "advertisement" (ways that buskers can promote their live performances).

###Usability: How can I use the app? If you are a busker, we recommend you to sign up for Busking Radar and create a profile, in order to access all the benefits that we offer for the buskers. When you register, you will have the possibility to create events with the interactive map and let people know about your performances! If you are a fan, we currently advise you to "Enter as a guest", in order to see all the events happening near your location. Our future plans include the fan to be able to sign up as a "FAN" and thus be able to favourite artists and get notifications on future events.


  • /Busking Radar (main folder and the server side folder): files: package.json, server.js,, seeds.js and popPlaces.js folders: client, routes, models, middleware,controllers, config

  • /Busking Radar/client (Front End side folder inialized with CRA): -Busking Radar/client/src: files: App.js, index.js, .env folders: tests, actions, components, filters, images, reducers, store, routers, styles


Two types of users, registered buskers and unregistered:

  1. Landing Page (access: all users) Content: Registration or Login buttons Info about the project with a link to interactive map

Actions: When clicking a link to the interactive map the user redirected to the interactive map When clicking registration The user is redirected to registration page When clicking login the user redirected to login page

  1. Registration Page (access: all users)

Content Registration form

Actions Submit

  1. Login Page (access: all users)

Content Login Form

Actions Login

  1. Events Page (access: all users, actions restricted)

Content Events (info: location, beginning time, ending time, title of the event, the name of the buskers, and genre?); List of events; List of the popular locations for Busking; Interactive Map with the locations of events represented by pins; Create Event Button

Actions Events: Currently happening events are underlined or lightened up (Polling?) Past events are automatically deleted from the list and map (Polling?)

All users: Events can be filtered by date or time, and search by genre or name of the artist When clicking on the event's location on the map open the list of events scheduled in this location When clicking on the event's name opens event's info?! (maybe we don't need that) When clicking on the busker's name, the user is redirected to the buskers profile page

Unregistered users: When clicking on Create Event Button, they are redirected to registration page

Registered users: Can rate the list of popular locations depending on how busking friendly is the location. when clicking on the Create Event Button, they offerred to choose the location for event from the list, by clicking on the map or typing in the dress. Afterwards, they should confirm they are choice and proceed to create event form.

  1. Buskers Page (access: all users)

Content List of Buskers' profiles, with info

  1. My Profile page (access: registered users)

Content Profile info

Actions Delete, edit profile, change password

  1. My Events page (access: registered users)

Content List of events created by the user

Actions: Delete and edit event End event/police alert ('because of police!!')

  1. Forgot password page (access: registered users)

Content: Recover password form

Actions: recover password

  1. Busking in Berlin page (access: all users)

Content: Info about city regulations and the most popular places for buskers in Berlin. Links to Busker organizations in Berlin