Demo iOS Objective-C Bootstrap application. Please copy AppDelegate.h, AppDelegate.m, BootLogic.h, BootLogic.m, ConsoleScreen.h, ConsoleScreen.m, MainScreen.h, MainScreen.m to your new project.
This application has a main screen that is UITableViewController. Modify
in file BootLogic.m
+ (void) boot: (UIWindow*) window
MainScreen* mainScreen = [[MainScreen alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped];
//--------- From this line, please customize your menu data -----------
NSDictionary* basic = @{SECTION: @"Basic", MENU: @[
@{TITLE: @"Basic A", CLASS: @"BasicA"},
@{TITLE: @"Basic B", CLASS: @"BasicB"}
NSDictionary* intermediate = @{SECTION: @"Intermediate", MENU: @[
@{TITLE: @"Inter B", CLASS: @"InterB"}
NSDictionary* advanced = @{SECTION: @"Advanced", MENU: @[
@{TITLE: @"Advanced C", CLASS: @"AdvancedC"}
]}; = @[basic, intermediate, advanced];
mainScreen.title = @"Bootstrap App";
mainScreen.about = @"This is demo bootstrap demo app. It is collection of sample code of AVFoundation";
//--------- End of customization -----------
UINavigationController* nav = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: mainScreen];
window.rootViewController = nav;
if you want to have a terminal like console screen, create ViewController that inherits ConsoleScreen
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ConsoleScreen.h"
@interface BasicA : ConsoleScreen
To output to console screen, use [self writeln: @"text"]
#import "BasicA.h"
@implementation BasicA
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[self writeln:@"ABC"];
[self writeln:@"DEF"];