
List of short cut Fish Shell functions for MacOSX

Primary LanguageShell

Collection of Fish Fuction in MacOSX

  1. cl: clear
  2. lc: clear then list current folder
  3. subl: run Sublime Text from terminal
  4. code: run Visual Studio Code from terminal

These fish functions will be stored in ~/.config/fish/functions/ For example your Mac account name is John then /Users/John/.config/fish/functions

Quick install

git clone https://github.com/TechMaster/FishFunctionForMac.git
cd FishFunctionForMac

or do it manually

git clone https://github.com/TechMaster/FishFunctionForMac.git
cd FishFunctionForMac
cp *.fish ~/.configure/fish/functions

Written by cuong@techmaster.vn