Memory Pattern Scanner

A versatile tool to scan the memory of a target process for specific byte patterns. Ideal for reverse engineering, debugging, and memory analysis, the scanner supports wildcard matching and dynamic memory filtering.


  • Cross-Architecture Support: Works with both x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) processes.
  • Dynamic Memory Filtering: Option to scan only dynamically allocated memory regions (e.g., heap allocations).
  • Wildcard Support: Use ?? and ? in patterns to represent unknown or variable bytes.
  • Debug Logging: Enable detailed logs for memory scanning and troubleshooting.

Getting Started


  • Windows Operating System (required for Windows-specific APIs like VirtualQueryEx and ReadProcessMemory).
  • Administrator Privileges (to access protected processes).


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd memory-pattern-scanner
  2. Compile the program:

    • Visual Studio:
      • Open the project in Visual Studio.
      • Build it in Debug or Release mode.
    • g++ (for command line):
      g++ -o PatternScanner.exe main.cpp Scanner.cpp -std=c++17


Run the program and follow the prompts:

  1. Enter Target Process ID:
    • Input the PID of the target process. You can find this in Task Manager or tools like Process Explorer.
  2. Enter Pattern:
    • Provide the pattern to search for in hexadecimal format, separated by spaces. Use ?? for wildcards.
    • Example: 48 8B ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 89 ?? ??
  3. Search Only in Dynamic Memory:
    • Type y to restrict the search to dynamically allocated memory (e.g., heap regions).
    • Type n to scan all accessible memory regions.

Example Input

Enter the target process ID: 1234
Enter the pattern (e.g., 48 8B ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 89 ?? ??): 48 8B ?? 89 50 ?? ?? 90
Search only in dynamic memory? (y/n): y

Example Output

Pattern found at address: 0x7ff68742a120


Enable debug logging during compilation by defining the DEBUG preprocessor flag:

  • Visual Studio:
    • Add DEBUG to Preprocessor Definitions in the project settings.
  • g++:
    g++ -o PatternScanner.exe main.cpp Scanner.cpp -std=c++17 -DDEBUG

With debugging enabled, logs will include:

  • Memory regions being scanned.
  • Details of the parsed pattern and mask.
  • Errors encountered during memory access.


  1. Requires administrator privileges to access certain processes.
  2. Cross-architecture scanning (e.g., scanning a 32-bit process from a 64-bit scanner) may require additional handling.
  3. The scanner returns only the first match. Extending it for multiple matches is possible but currently unsupported.


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter bugs, have feature suggestions, or want to improve the code, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


Special thanks to the Windows API documentation and community tools like Cheat Engine and Process Explorer, which inspired this project's development.

Feel free to customize the git clone link or add more details if needed! This README provides a comprehensive overview and instructions for users and contributors.