
C# port of the stb_image.h

Primary LanguageC#



StbSharp.Image is a C# port of the stb_image.h, which is C library to load images in JPG, PNG, BMP, TGA, PSD and GIF formats.

This fork contains massive changes and is not production-ready. Use at your own risk.

It is important to note, that this project is port (not wrapper).
Original C code had been ported to C#. Therefore native binaries are not required.

The porting was based with Sichem, which is a C to C# code converter utility,
and later optimized and cleaned up by hand.

Adding Reference

a. `git submodule add https://github.com/StbSharp/StbImageSharp.git`

b. Add src/StbImageSharp.csproj to the solution


StbSharp.Image exposes API similar to stb_image.h, but has changed the API considerably in favor of safety.
For more possible use cases check out the original repository.


Public Domain
