
This repository contains sample implementations for a set of decoders for LoRaWAN end devices available on the market and is meant to supplement the Azure IoT Edge LoRaWAN Starter Kit: http://aka.ms/lora

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Azure IoT Edge LoRaWAN Starter Kit

DecoderSample with Standard Decoders

This repository contains sample implementations for a set of decoders for LoRaWAN end devices available on the market and is meant to supplement the Azure IoT Edge LoRaWAN Starter Kit.

The original sample that this repository bases off allows you to create and run your own LoRa message decoder in an independent container running on your LoRa gateway without having to edit the main LoRa Engine.

This modified version can be run directly witout modification if the decoder you need is included. Unnecessary decoders can also be simply deleted.

This description shows you how to get started.

Included Decoders

The following decoders have been included in this collection:

Sensor Image Source Code Location Decoder More Info
AAEON LoRa EndNode Aaeon_LoRa_EndNode_Decoder.cs Aaeon_LoRa_EndNode_Sensor_Decoder
ASCOEL CO868LR ASCOEL CO868LR Ascoel_Decoder.cs Ascoel_CO868LR_Sensor_Decoder Based on the lora-device-payloader repo.
DecentLab DL-PR26 DecentLab DL-PR26 DecentLab_Decoder.cs DecentLab_DLPR26_Sensor_Decoder Based on DecentLab decentlab-decoders repo.
Netvox R311W Netvox R311W Netvox_Decoder.cs Netvox_R311W_Sensor_Decoder
Nke Sensors using ZCL Payload Nke sensors Nke_Decoder.cs Nke_Sensor_Decoder Based on NKE's ZCL payload decoder.

Preparing and Testing the Docker Image

Create a docker image from your finished solution based on the target architecture and host it in an Azure Container Registry, on DockerHub or in any other container registry of your choice.

We are using the Azure IoT Edge for Visual Studio Code extension to build and push the Docker image.

Make sure you are logged in to the Azure Container Registry you are using. Run docker login <mycontainerregistry>.azurecr.io on your development machine.

Edit the file module.json to contain your container registry address, image name and version number:

Decoder Sample - module.json file

We provide the Dockerfiles for the following architectures:

To build the Docker image, right-click on the module.json file and select "Build IoT Edge Module Image" or "Build and Push IoT Edge Module Image". Select the architecture you want to build for (ARM32v7 or AMD64) from the drop-down menu.

To temporarily test the container running you decoder using a webbrowser or Postman, you can manually start it in Docker and bind the container's port 80 to a free port on your host machine, like for example 8881.

docker run --rm -it -p 8881:80 --name decodersample <container registry>/<image>:<tag>

You can then use a browser to navigate to:


Replace the name of the basic decoder DecoderValueSensor with the name of the decoder you want to use from the list above, i.e. Nke_Sensor_Decoder

Deploying to IoT Edge

If required, add credentials to access your container registry to the IoT Edge device by adding them to IoT Hub → IoT Edge → Your Device → Set Modules → Container Registry settings.

Decoder Sample - Edge Module Container Registry Permission

Configure your IoT Edge gateway device to include the custom container. IoT Hub → IoT Edge → Your Device → Set Modules → Deployment Modules → Add → IoT Edge Module. Set the module Name and Image URI, pointing to your image created above.

Make sure to choose all lowercase letters for the Module Name as the container will be unreachable otherwise!

Decoder Sample - Edge Module

To activate the decoder for a LoRa device, navigate to your IoT Hub → IoT Devices → Device Details → Device Twin and set the SensorDecoder value in the desired properties to:

http://<decoder module name>/api/<DecoderName>

Again make sure to chosse all lowercase letters for the module name to make sure it is reachable.

Decoder Sample - LoRa Device Twin

In case the custom decoder is unreachable, throws an error or return invalid JSON, the error message will be shown in your device's messages in IoT Hub.


To add a new decoder, simply copy or reuse the sample DecoderValueSensor method from the LoraDecoders class in LoraDecoder.cs. You can name the method whatever you like and can create as many decoders as you need by adding new, individual methods to the LoraDecoders class.

The payload sent to the decoder is passed as byte[] payload and uint fport.

After writing the code that decodes your message, your method should return a string containing valid JSON containing the response to be sent upstream.

internal static class LoraDecoders
    private static string DecoderValueSensor(byte[] payload, uint fport)
        var result = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(payload);
        return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { value = result });

You can test the decoder on your machine by debugging the SensorDecoderModule project in Visual Studio.

When creating a debugging configuration in Visual Studio Code or a launchSettings.json file in Visual Studio, the default address that the webserver will try to use is http://localhost:5000 or https://localhost:5001. You can override this with any port of your choice.

On launching the debugger you will see a webbrowser with a 404 Not Found error as there is no default document to be served in this Web API app.

LoRa devices usually send byte arrays of data to be decoded.

You will also manually need to base64-encode and URL-encode the payload before adding it to the URL parameters.

For example, to test a payload of ABCDE12345, you:

  • Convert it to a base64 encoded string: QUJDREUxMjM0NQ==
  • Convert the result to a valid URL parameter: QUJDREUxMjM0NQ%3D%3D
  • Add this to your test URL.

For the built-in sample decoder DecoderValueSensor with Visual Studio (Code)'s default settings this would be:


You can call your decoder at:


You should see the result as JSON string.

Decoder Sample - Debugging on localhost

When running the solution in a container, the Kestrel webserver from .NET Core uses the HTTP default port 80 of the container and does not need to bind it to a port on the host machine as Docker allows for container-to-container communication. IoT Edge automatically creates the required Docker Network Bridge.