
Hugo Example site using Hyde theme

Table of Contents

Hugo Example


  • Goto https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/ for downloading Hugo CLI
  • Once installed a new site can be created using Hugo CLI
    $ hugo new site hugo-example

This will create a new website with default files and folders.

  • Install a theme to make the UI more appealing

Theme Installation

To install Hyde as your default theme, first install Hyde repository in the themes/ directory:

$ cd themes/
$ git clone https://github.com/spf13/hyde.git

Second, specify hyde as your default theme in the config.toml file. Just add the line

theme = "hyde"

Add new pages

New pages can be added using the CLI

$ hugo new _index.md
$ hugo new apps/store.md
$ hugo new apps/website.md

Add content like how you add Markdown data

Run Hugo WebServer

Now to get the static website UP, run the hugo server

$ hugo serve -D

The site is up at http://localhost:1313/ by default