This repo contains the central knowledge required to operate and run the Alaska Developers Alliance. Information in this repo is used by our Gatsby repo to generate a static site for https://akdevalliance.com.
We commonly reference the Alaska Developer's Alliance as "ADA", "Alliance", or "Dev Alliance" for short.
Table of Contents
1.- Code of Conduct
- White Paper - The heritage of the ADA, why it exists, where we come from and what challenges we face in growing a community in a remote town Alaska.
- Developer Alliance Manifesto - Where we are headed
- Action Plan - How we're going to get there
- Leadership - Who is going to lead it
- Operating Manual - Knowledge on how to organize the board, handle expenses, and run events.
- Board Minutes & Agendas - Agendas and notes for each board meeting combined into one file.
- Branding & Imaging - All of our officially sanctioned logos for print, web, and other.
- Contributing
2.We'd love your help. Here is a list of projects we'd like to finish. These are a great way to learn markdown and practice using Git! Be sure to checkout the contributor guidelines.
- Projects