TechInverted Website CMS

This is the code that powers the official website CMS for TechInverted

Features shown

This CMS showcases many powerful features including:

  1. [Collections] and [Globals]
  2. [Access Control] to restrict who can do what to the site's data
  3. [Versions] and [Drafts] functionality
  4. A great pattern for how to create [reusable fields] that can be used and re-used easily
  5. Many advanced field types, including the [relationship], [blocks], [array], and many more
  6. SEO
  7. Form Builder
  8. Auto-generated TypeScript types
  9. Lots more

Running locally

You can clone this repo to your own computer and play around super easily.

To do so, you'll need the following software:

  • Yarn or NPM
  • NodeJS version 10+
  • A Mongo Database - IMPORTANT: you need to either have MongoDB running locally, or have signed up for a free MongoDB Atlas server in order to test this repo locally.
Local installation steps:

1. Clone the repo by running the following command at your terminal:

git clone

Navigate to folder and install dependencies

Type cd ./website-name and then yarn or npm install --legacy-peer-deps to add all required dependencies.

Duplicate the example .env file and fill in your own values

Type cp .env.example .env in your terminal to make a copy of the example .env file, and then edit that file to fill in your own values.

Fire up the development server

Finally, type yarn dev to start up the server and see it in action!