Android App Unit 4 Final Test

To get started,

  1. Fork this repository first.
  2. Then clone your fork of this repository
git clone
  1. To verify that you're in the right repository.
cd AC-AndroidTest-U4Final
git remote -v
output> origin (fetch)
output> origin (push)
  1. Submit your repo link to Canvas (before continuing with the test)

Do not clone this repository, fork it

The App

The test app displays color names, colored in their color names.

The initial app should look like:


The final app should look like:


The differences

  • All the color names are displayed with their respective colors in the final app
  • The color names are sorted alphabetically
  • There is a "More" button in the info section
  • There is a "Info" menu item

The Test

The test is a list of TODOs (tasks) that will take you from initial to final app.

There is no order or precedence to the instructions. So you can start from the last one if you wish.

You may use multiple branches if you wish, but only code in the master branch is graded. So if you must use branching, don't forget to merge.

You can find the tasks/TODOs in Android Studio by clicking on "Views > Tool Windows > TODO"

Please do not commit code that does not compile and run. Comment out the parts that are not working and make your commit.

There are also listed below:

  • In

    Implement selection sort.
  • In info_fragment.xml:

    1. Add a "More" button to this fragment. When the button is clicked,
    display the more_textView commented out below and hide the button
    2. Update the layout orientation to ensure text views and button are all visible.
  • In

    When the name in a viewHolder is clicked,
    display a long toast with the text "{color_name} has a HEX value of {color_hex}
    for example: "blue has a HEX value of #0000ff".
  • In

    Adding all the colors and their values would be tedious, instead fetch it from the url below
    Add options menu with the item "Info" which is always visible
    When "Info" menu item is clicked, display the fragment InfoFragment
    If InfoFragment is already visible and I click "Info", remove InfoFragment from the view.

Testing your solution

For Java (sorting):

  • Open Android studio terminal (View > Tool Windows > Terminal) then paste and run ./gradlew test.
  • To view sorting test results, open in the file in AndroidTestUnit4Final/app/build/reports/tests/testDebugUnitTest/index.html.
  • There should be some passing tests and some failing tests. If not, see an instructor or TA before continuing.

For Android (everything else):

  • Open Android studio terminal (View > Tool Windows > Terminal) then paste and run ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest.
  • To view android test results, open in the file in AndroidTestUnit4Final/app/build/reports/androidTests/connected/index.html
  • There should be some passing tests and some failing tests. If not, see an instructor or TA before continuing.

You may not modify the test code.

Do not submit code that does not compile

Again, The TODOs are totally independent (but not equally weighted)... start from the ones you know

Git Tips

  • Whenever you have an app that works, create a commit for it.
    git add .
    git commit -m "message here"
  • To reset master to a working commit
    // from master branch run:
    git checkout -b aheadMaster  // to save current master tree to new branch
    git checkout master
    git reset --hard <commit-hash>