
End of Unit 3 Assessment - Android Practical

Primary LanguageJava


End of Unit 3 Assessment - Android Practical

How many of the steps you were able to complete by the end of the exam I was able to Parts 0 - 2 successfully though i was very slow and painstakingly took my time doing the Async with numerous tests.

Which parts/concepts you found easy to implement, or felt you understood how to implement well Nothing on our assessments nor in life is easy however, I had some ease with doing the sharedpreferences for the login and the beginning of fragments though i didnt have as much time to test on my Android phone to make corrections.

Which parts/concepts you found hard to implement, or felt you did not completely understand how to implement well Fragments and RecyclerView are very imvolved and take time to write code and test. There is too much material on this assessment and the last one to complete and test while doing.
