Pinned issues
- 1
Add get month and get week
#46 opened by BrewingWeasel - 7
Print help command if no subcommand is used
#44 opened by TechWiz-3 - 0
Refactor as in #10
#42 opened by TechWiz-3 - 14
- 0
Automated CI tests
#40 opened by TechWiz-3 - 3
Bug when displaying emojis for a tagged entry
#38 opened by TechWiz-3 - 7
- 1
- 0
Update contributors list
#32 opened by TechWiz-3 - 2
Add feature to optionally tag entries while logging and then retrieve entries by tag
#28 opened by N-Shar-ma - 2
`happy get count` missing keyword error
#29 opened by TechWiz-3 - 7
Add colours to CLI ouput
#13 opened by fr4nkln11 - 3
Change flower output
#23 opened by TechWiz-3 - 5
Add other installation options
#2 opened by TechWiz-3 - 4
Add support for markdown emojis
#5 opened by TechWiz-3 - 4
No entries!
#14 opened by TechWiz-3 - 4
Github Actions: automated update to pypi
#3 opened by TechWiz-3 - 3
Support getting after and before dates
#4 opened by TechWiz-3