
Simple RockPaperScissors Reac Redux game based on https://github.com/jackielii/simplest-redux-example/

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Simple RockPaperScissors React Redux game based on several tutorials including



Idea is to make a game using state and then record these states to event store. TDD and BDD practices used when possible (based on my limited knowledge).

In Progress: Partitioning event stream perUser

Next: refactor to introduce Tactician Command Bus and Hexagonal Design


  1. Create clean 16.4 Ubuntu server

  2. Ansible Script will create a server ready to use docker compose whuich is uploaded to the ~/ directory

  3. login to server : docker-compose up

##Docker Compose Installs Techbot/Rock-Paper-Sciccors Mysql PHP7 EventStore

##to do: PhpyMyadmin

##Frontend uses gulp, babel webpack react/redux

##Process to date is BDD: RPS features are setup with Behat. The Dice context is not being used at present, but I'm keeping it in to display two contexts in action

Simple Bundle created to link to FosUser and write to Javascript Functional Event Store Event Store Projections read events split based on Fosuser and return state (being number of Rocks Papers and Scissors remaining).

##UnitTests: I've broken everything temporarily.