
Fetch and XHR hooks/middlewares, just like a piece of 🍰

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fetch/XHR Middleware

Alpha release - API may change

Extremly simple way to:

  • Intercept a fetch/XHR request
  • Listen on a fetch/XHR request


Can be used with or without ES modules. Use only fetch or XMLHttpRequest or both at the same time. Check all the available CDN exports:

Or install it via npm:

npm install xfetch-hook@latest
import { fetchHook, xhrHook } from 'xfetch-hook'

ES modules via CDN

<script type="module">
  // Import both, fetch and xhr
  import * as xfetch from 'https://unpkg.com/browse/xfetch-hook@latest/dist/fetch-xhr.module.min.js'

  const { fetchHook, xhrHook } = xfetch

  // Or only import what's needed
  import fetchHook from 'https://unpkg.com/browse/xfetch-hook@latest/dist/fetch.module.min.js'
  import xhrHook from 'https://unpkg.com/browse/xfetch-hook@latest/dist/xhr.module.min.js'

  // Initialize once

  // Start using by registering your middleware functions! (See the middleware functions signature below)
  // ... register any number of hooks

NON-ESM/Global export via CDN

<!-- Load the script -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/browse/xfetch-hook@latest/dist/fetch-xhr.module.min.js">

<!-- `xfetch` is now accessible -->
  // Initialize once

  // Start using by registering your middleware functions!

Fetch Middleware

Once the hook is initialized, onRequest function will be exposed on the interface. It expects a middleware function which is called before any fetch request is made, giving you a chance to listen or intercept it.

async function middleware({ request, url, headers }) {
  // Return null/falsy if this request does not need to be hooked
  return null

  return {
    // Optional - if specified, original request will be overriden - Must be an instance of `Request` class
    request?: new Request(),

    // Optional - if specified, actual network call will not be made (bypass mechanism) - Must be an instance of `Response` class
    response?: new Response(),

    // Optional - if specified, `listen` function will receive `parsedData` as second argument
    // Required - if `transformResponse`, is specified
    as?: 'json' | 'text' | 'blob' | 'arrayBuffer' | 'formData'

    // Optional - Provide a listener function. It will be called with `response`, once the request is complete
    // `parsedData` will be available if `as` is specified.
    listen?: (response, parsedData?) => {},

    // Once the network call is made, the parsed response data will be transformed using this transformer function
    // and then passed to the original caller. Think of it as a hook to transform any data before it reaches to the caller.
    // `listen` function will always receive the transformed response and transformed data
    transformResponse?: (parsedData) => {
      return modifyData(parsedData)

XMLHttpRequest Middleware

async function middleware({ method, url, body, headers }) {

  // Overrite any of the paramer
  return {
    // Optional - override the method of xhr. (GET, POST, PUT, etc)
    method?: 'String',

    // Optional - override the xhr URL. Can be string or instance of `new URL()` class
    url?: 'String' | new URL()

    // Optional - update the body of the request

    // Optional - update the headers of the request - Must be an instance of `new Headers()` class

    // Optional - Provide a listener function. It will be called with `response` and `xhr`, once the request is complete
    // Note: `data` refers to `xhr.response`, (not to be confused with `new Response()` constructor)
    listen?: (data, xhr) => {


    // Once the network call is made, the response data will be transformed using this transformer function,
    // and then passed to the original caller. Think of it as a hook to transform any data before it reaches to the caller.
    // `listen` function will always receive the transformed data
    transformResponse?: (data) => {
      return modifyData(data)

Hooks/middlewares are called in the order they're registered. If any middleware modifies the data (request, response, as, method, url, body, transformResponse), the next middleware will receive the modified data

Working example

Shopify provides the following endpoings for cart:

  • GET /cart.js or /cart.json
  • POST /cart/update.js and /cart/change.js

These endpoints return cart data in JSON format. In this example, we want to hide particular items in the cart.

<script type="module">
  import fetchHook from 'https://unpkg.com/browse/xfetch-hook@latest/dist/fetch.module.min.js'

  // Initialize once

  // Hook for GET: '/cart.json'
  const unsubscribe1 = fetch.onRequest(async ({ url, request }) => {
    const isCartRequest = /\/cart.js(on)?/.test(url.pathname)

    // If it's not `/cart.json` request, don't do anything
    if (!isCartRequest) return

    // we need to listen on only GET requests
    if (request.method  !== 'GET') return

    return {
      // `cartJson` has `items` array. We will filter out all the items that have 'HIDDEN' product_type
      // so that original caller will receive the modified data
      transformResponse: cartJson => {
        cartJson.items = cartJson.items.filter(item => item.product_type === 'HIDDEN')
        return cartJson

  // Hook for /cart/change.js and /cart/update.js
  const unsubscribe2 = fetch.onRequest(async ({ url, request }) => {
    const isCartChangeOrUpdateRequest = /\/cart\/(change|update).js(on)?/.test(url.pathname)
    if (!isCartChangeOrUpdateRequest) return

    return {
      // `cartJson` has `items` array. We will filter out all the items that have 'HIDDEN' product_type
      // so that original caller will receive the modified data
      transformResponse: cartJson => {
        cartJson.items = cartJson.items.filter(item => item.product_type === 'HIDDEN')
        return cartJson

      // Since this is a POST request, it means the cart has been updated
      // We can listen for the latest data, and react to it
      as: 'json',
      listen: (response, cartJson) => {
        // `cartJson` is the trasnfromed cart object
        console.log('Cart has been updated. Time to update our UI', cartJson)

Each fetch.onRequest middleware registration returns an unsubscribe function. Hint hint, this unsubscribe function's job is to remove the registered middleware.