
Marks the adventures of a young alien wandering through space to seek fun in various challenges that this indefinite space can throw at him.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Marks the adventures of a young alien wandering through space to seek fun in various challenges that this indefinite space can throw at him. In the game, Zolga take on the role of a spacecraft pilot. The character flies a single-seated ship, exploring the planets and space stations of game-leveled galaxies, galaxies here are the levels which the player climbs as he progresses. He may also engage in dogfights with other extra-terrestrial species (player- and computer-controlled) to protect their habitat.


The Player Navigates the Galaxies using the Spacecraft.When the spacecraft reaches a planet or the Star The Game Blinks the Information about the Planets.

We have developed the First Level of the Game “The Milkyway Galaxy” that contains our Solar System.


We would like to introduce an interactive user-interface aimed mostly at enthusiasts who like it authentic. It menu-flow is as follows:

- [x] Start-up Menu
- [x] Levels as different galaxies
- [x] Game-window, the gameplay would have arrow-keys as the controlling mechanism.


The player can play the game using normal arrow keys.


The work flow is the same as that of any other repository.
(1) Fork / clone the repository.
(2) Create a new branch , say my-changes and make your changes in this branch.
(3) Commit your changes and send a Pull request (PR) to this repository.
Active contributors would be rewarded with the tag of "Collabrators"
Bug fixes , Issues , Issue solutions , Optimizations & Enhancements are always welcome.


The MIT License - Abinash Senapati - All Rights Reserved.