
Contains bits of code I've worked on

Primary LanguageJava


Just some projects I'll try to spend time on every week.

Minor Project: KOL Barf Script (Incomplete, likely to never be finished).

Barf Script

Minor script to automate stuff. In Ash. Todo:

  • NEP implementation
  • Add voting booth implementation

On Hold : Android App for Fitness

Learn App Dev / Java

Minor fitness app to track hold of 5/3/1 Beginner routine Should do a 3 week cycle and have ability to add weight.

Half-finished : Timetable Application

Learn App Dev / Work on Java

An app that's capable of converting the timetable file given and making it into a user-friendly application. Actual app not hosted on GitHub yet. Should have:

  • Basic timetable functionality
  • Capable of retrieving timetable from website
  • Basic touch controls
  • Be capable of shifting between dates if needed. Ideally with a date entered
  • Be capable of displaying the current class and next class.\
  • Minimalistic UI.

Mostly complete: YAML Database

Basic Databasing tools

Script capable on inputting into a database and retrieving. Should have:

  • Basic Input with fields
  • Basic Query
  • Deletion
  • Capable of Unicode Parsing.
  • Editing