Improving the Quality of the F1Tenth Simulator
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Primary Task: In its current state, the F1Tenth simulator is only really good for testing the basic concepts of our algorithms. It does not represent the real dynamics of the car to a satisfactory level. We need to upgrade the F1Tenth simulator to contain as many of the dynamic properties and qualities of the real car as possible, such as friction, inertia, and the motion model itself (which is just kinematic if I'm not mistaken).
Secondary Task 1: It's quite possible that this simulator isn't the best one for our purposes. Conduct a market study of the available racing simulators, and propose good alternatives that we should consider switching to. Define the parameters for determining what makes a simulator good/bad.
Secondary Task 2: Replace the robot model of the car in the simulator with a CAD-produced model of the real car, for the sake of accuracy. See Issue #12.