
It's a Mini P2P Forex Exchange platform using the MERN stack where users can register, log in, offer a currency for exchange, and accept offers from other users.

Project Screen Shot(s)

screencapture-smalblu-onrender-2023-08-26-00_01_26 screencapture-smalblu-onrender-profile-2023-08-26-00_01_56 screencapture-smalblu-onrender-editprofile-2023-08-26-00_02_08

Installation and Setup Instructions


Clone down this repository. You will need node and npm installed globally on your machine.


npm install

To Run Test Suite:

npm test

To Start Server:

npm start

To Visit App:



1.User Authentication:

  • Registration: Users can sign up with their email and password.
  • Login/Logout: Registered users can log in and log out.
  • Profile: Users can view and edit their profile, including their current balance in different currencies.

2.Currency Exchange Offer:

  • Post Offer: Users can post an offer specifying the currency they have, the currency they want, and the rate at which they're willing to exchange.
  • View Offers: Users can view all active offers.
  • Accept Offer: Users can accept an offer. Upon acceptance, the balance of the two users should be updated accordingly.

3.Transaction History: Users can view a history of all their transactions.


  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • Tailwind
  • NodeJS
  • express
  • MongoDb