QAZ-like for a BAE and 10u spacebar

CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly ReciprocalCERN-OHL-S-2.0


QAZ-like for a BAE (Big Ass Enter) and 10u spacebar (7u+8u)

QASS complete

More pictures and infos at Moinboards.

There are tow versions: normal and lowbar. normal version has the spacebar on the normal PCB. The lowbar uses the PCB as a plate on the bottom row and adds a lower PCB.

  • Only the lowbar version was tested and fully finished. Please check the normal version before ordering.
  • Lowbar:
    • v1.0 is tested and works with MIAO. XIAO would work as well but the pads on the underside I wanted to use are not GPIOs but only for a special serial protocol. So they cant be used.
    • v1.1 is Untested, but I only made cosmetic changes, so should still work fine.

The latest version has the lower spacebar. Break off the lower part of the PCB and put it under the bottom row. Add headers at the connection points.

QASS KLE Front of PCB Back of PCB Lowbar PCB render


  • Miao MCU
  • 3mm high hotswap headers and pins (the holes in the PCB a bigger than usual, so only the plastic part of the headers is on the PCB)
  • 20x BAV70 diodes