
A test ride of Semantic-UI as a potential candidate for Unity.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Circle CI

Semantic UI theme for internal TechnolgoyAdvice apps.

Important Note

Radiant has not been actively used or maintained since the spring of 2017. It is still the style theme in a few screens of the Unity application, but isn't otherwise relevant.



npm i @technologyadvice/radiant -S




See learn semantic for understanding this project.


npm start             # build, watch, and serve docs
npm build             # build the theme
npm build:docs        # build the docs

Getting Started

See the Semantic UI Customizing docs.

Then checkout the Semantic UI guidelines on our wiki.

Updating Semantic

This project uses a custom build. Do not use Semantic UI's build or update. You will hose this project.

npm run update-semantic


On the latest clean master:

npm run release:major
npm run release:minor
npm run release:patch