Peer-to-Peer Chat-based Distributed Application by Group 18 : Ikenna Abara[3644968] and Shubham Gupta[3506475]
- Firewall Settings :
In Linux Sytsem , Allow the Inbound and Outbound UDP messages : $sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp -j ACCEPT $sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp -j ACCEPT If you want to keep the changes persistantly across reboots : $sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 # For IPv4
In Linux Sytsem , Allow the Inbound and Outbound TCP messages : $sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j ACCEPT $sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -j ACCEPT If you want to keep the changes persistantly across reboots : $sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 # For IPv4
In Windows System , Allow UDP Traffic on Windows Defender Firewall:
1.Open Windows Defender Firewall Settings: #Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall. 2.Create Inbound Rule (Receive UDP Traffic): #Click on "Advanced settings" on the left-hand side panel. #In the Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security window, click on "Inbound Rules". #Click "New Rule..." in the Actions panel on the right-hand side. #Select "Port" and click "Next". #Select "UDP" and specify the port number you want to allow for incoming traffic. Click "Next". #Choose "Allow the connection" and click "Next". #Specify when the rule applies (domain, private, public). Usually, you'll want to select all options. Click "Next". #Give your rule a name and description, then click "Finish". 3.Create Outbound Rule (Send UDP Traffic): #Follow the same steps as above, but instead of selecting "Inbound Rules", choose "Outbound Rules". #Specify the same port number and protocol (UDP). #Allow the connection and set the appropriate profile settings. 4.Verify Rules: #After creating both inbound and outbound rules, verify that they appear in the list of rules in Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security.
In Windows System , Allow TCP Traffic on Windows Defender Firewall:
1.Open Windows Defender Firewall Settings: #Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall. 2.Create Inbound Rule (Receive TCP Traffic): #Click on "Advanced settings" on the left-hand side panel. #In the Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security window, click on "Inbound Rules". #Click "New Rule..." in the Actions panel on the right-hand side. #Select "Port" and click "Next". #Select "TCP" and specify the port number you want to allow for incoming traffic. Click "Next". #Choose "Allow the connection" and click "Next". #Specify when the rule applies (domain, private, public). Usually, you'll want to select all options. Click "Next". #Give your rule a name and description, then click "Finish". 3.Create Outbound Rule (Send TCP Traffic): #Follow the same steps as above, but instead of selecting "Inbound Rules", choose "Outbound Rules". #Specify the same port number and protocol (TCP). #Allow the connection and set the appropriate profile settings. 4.Verify Rules: #After creating both inbound and outbound rules, verify that they appear in the list of rules in Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security.
- Run the command in terminal and follow the command line instructions : $ python .\