
A cognitive model for visual search. Generate Scanpaths, fixation durations using ACT-R.

Primary LanguagePython


A novel approach of devising visual search by introducing a set of computation models in the ACT-R architecture. These models incorporate EMMA (Salvucci, 2001) in the search strategy and generate the fixation durations along with scanpath.


Generate Scanpaths for the following datasets with the help of ACT-R's visual search module

  • SALICON: Derive encoding time for all objects present in a natural scene image based on YOLO v3 categories.
  • COCO-Search-18: Derive encoding time for target search object based on 18 categories.


Demo 1 Demo 2


  • Download the SALICON (LSUN) and Coco-Search-18 datasets, create a new directory 'data' and put them inside.
+-- data
|   +-- coco_search_18
|       +-- ...json
|       +--detected
|       +--images
|       +--simulations
|   +-- salicon
|       +--detected
|       +--images
|       +--simulations
+-- compare.py
+-- concat.py
+-- main.py
+-- multiactrsim.py
+-- yolov3.weights


  • Object Recognition

    • run main.py, for object recognition. It uses yolov3 with probability threshold: 0.6. For usage, refer to start.sh or start.ps1
    • check the output CSVs based on split under data\[dataset]\detected.
    • concat.py, for concatenating all the files into a single CSV file containing image names and list of objects.
  • ACT-R simulation

    • multiactrsim.py - For usages, refer to start.sh or start.ps1. It generate the output (CSVs) in data\[dataset]\simulations.
  • Evaluation

    • compare.py - For usages, refer to start.sh or start.ps1. Refer/Edit the code in case of any making any specific comparisions
    • visual_search.ipynb - Jupyter notebook for visualizing the results and other comparison operations.

Evaluation metrics

  • MultiMatch: used in compare.py. For reference, see https://multimatch.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

  • ScanMatch: The matlab script for scanmatch can be found in results\matsrc.mat. For reference, see https://seis.bristol.ac.uk/~psidg/ScanMatch/#Tutorial

    • To run for SALICON, open the matsrc.mat in matlab, go inside the salicon folder. results\salicon and press run.

    • To run for COCO-SEARCH-18, open the matsrc.mat in matlab, go inside the coco-search-18 folder. results\coco-search-18 and press run.

Set the parameters for evaluation in the matsrc.mat using the command ScanMatchInfo = ScanMatch_Struct(); For reference, see https://seis.bristol.ac.uk/~psidg/ScanMatch/#Tutorial