
A webpack loader to display vue code for documentations

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A webpack loader to help you write usage examples in your tech-documentation for your vue components.

The loader will transform a custom tag with your usage example..

    <my-button label="Click-Me" border="rounded" />

..into a new component which contains the highlightable code and the code itself ready to be executed/compiled by Vue (in this example vue-component-usage-prism).

    <template v-slot:code>
        &lt;my-button label=&quot;Click-Me&quot; border=&quot;rounded&quot; /&gt;
    <template v-slot:result>
        <my-button label="Click-Me" border="rounded" />


$ yarn add vue-component-usage-loader --dev
// or..
$ npm install vue-component-usage-loader --save-dev


All options can be set globally when registering the loader in your vue.config.js. Add the loader via chainWebpack.

// vue.config.js
const vueComponentLoader = require("vue-component-usage-loader");
module.exports = {
    // ..
    chainWebpack: (chainableWebpackConfig) => {
        vueComponentLoader(chainableWebpackConfig, {
            // your options here..
    // ..

Configuration Options

All options can be set globally using the webpack registration (see above). These options can be overwritten (except tag) with each component usage by setting attributes on the component.

Let's say you set the trim option to true globally, but for one instance you don't want to use trim. In that case you can overwrite the global option by setting the trim attribute to false.

<vue-component-usage trim="false">..</vue-component-usage>


The tag the loader should search for and indidcates a rewritable usage example.

  • Attribute: This value can only be set via configuration.
  • Default: vue-component-usage


The resulting component tag that will contain the 2 resulting slots.

  • Attribute: component="my-custom-component"
  • Default: no default, required.


The name of the slot in your component which will retrieve the highlightable code.

  • Attribute: code-slot="custom"
  • Default: code


The name of the slot in your component which will retrieve the vue/html code.

  • Attribute: result-slot="custom"
  • Default: result


A flag indicating whether the code should be dedented or not.

  • Attribute: dedent="true/false"
  • Default: true


A flag indicating whether empty lines at the beginning and at the end of the code should be get removed.

  • Attribute: trim="true/false"
  • Default: true


A flag indicating whether the code-slot should be ignored.

  • Attribute: omit-code-slot="true/false"
  • Default: false


A flag indicating whether the result-slot should be ignored.

  • Attribute: omit-result-slot="true/false"
  • Default: false


A flag indicating whether an additional HTML comment with the rewritten contents should get written right behind the rewritten component. This can be useful to debug your highlighter components.

  • Attribute: debug="true/false"
  • Default: false

Developing usage components

The loader itself does not ship with a usage-component, but it is pretty easy to create one on your own.

In case you created one on your own and want to share the project, please get in touch with me by creating a github issue. Thanks!


All core option attributes (trim, dedent, component, debug, code-slot, result-slot, omit-code-slot, omit-result-slot) will be removed from the rewritten component tag. All others will stay.

Imaging the following tag:

<vue-component-usage trim="false" foo="bar">..

This tag will be rewritten with your component option (eg <vue-component-usage-prism>) in the following form.

<vue-component-usage-prism foo="bar">..


By setting the debug option to true, you might be able to find out what goes wrong when something won't work as it's supposed to. When true, the loader will append the rewritten vue component as a HTML comment tag so you can see what was generated by the loader.


The simplest version can look like this:

  <!-- First display the usage-code itself. -->
  <pre><code><slot name="code"></slot></code></pre>

  <!-- Then let vue "execute" the code. -->
  <p><strong>The Result</strong></p>
  <slot name="result"></slot>


This project was inspired by https://github.com/Etheryte/vue-raw-pre. Thx!