Terrform Repository for deploying PaloAlto NVAs into Azure Hubs across multiple regions

Architecture History

This code example uses the Transit VNet model located within the Palo Alto reference architecture available at the Securing Applications in Azure as the core pattern, however extends to include bootstrapping and other base requirements for a landing zone in Azure, including ExpressRoutes and IPSec VPNs.

PaloAlto Transit Architecture

Important Note This solution leverages Availability Zones through, as such you must only choose regions that support AZs. A full list can be found here.

Overview of deployment

This terraform workspace by default deploys a dual region setup within Azure (Central US & East US 2) deploying seperate Inbound and Outbound East West Palo Altos. The Palo Alto devices are deployed using bootstrapping leveraging Cloud-Init and documentation around that can be located at the Palo Alto Documentation for Cloud Init. Settings for the Bootstrapping can be located at the Palo Alto Bootstrap settings.

To provide consistency for connectivity, a /28 of Public IP prefexis is provision per region. This can be configurable in the networking_definitions_variable if more are required.

Deployment pre-requisits

  • The user executing the script needs to have a minimum of Contributor level access to the target subscription. This is due to the marketplace registration resource.
  • Any regions can be chosen, however the code requires that the region supports multiple zones, not availability sets.
  • Connectivity to Panorama Server. If leveraging the ExpressRoute to connect to Panorama then you may need to comment out the resource deployment whilst pending the Circuit Provider provisioning.

Terraform Variables

The configuration is controlled by passing in variables either using the command line, or through a .tfvars file.

The following additional variables are configurable:

Variable Description Default Required?
deploy_palo_vms If set to false the palo alto VMs won't be deployed, however the interfaces will be. This is useful if needing connectivity in place before the bootstrap. true No
connect_er_circuits_to_gateway This setting controls if the ExpressRoute circuits should be connected to the ExpressRoute Gateways. If this option is True then the circuits must be in a provisioned state. false No
configure_er_private_peering This setting controls if the ExpressRoute PrivatePeering should be configured on the ExpressRoute Circuits. If this option is True then the circuits must be in a provisioned state. false No
panorama_server_list A list of Panorama servers to pass into the bootstrap. If set to host names, ensure that DNS resolution is in place to allow lookup. null Yes
tags A map of tags to be deployed. The script expects a nested map for common_tags and compute_tags. The common_tags will apply to all resources, any compute resource will receive both common_tags and compute tags. null Yes
network_definitions A map containing a single or multiple regions with all the network definitions. The below documents value required in the map. A complete sample can be located within the terraform.tfvars file. null Yes
express_route_definitions A map containing the Express Route circuits to be deployed. The ExpressRoute Gateways are deployed within the associated region's network_definitions. A complete sample can be located within the terraform.tfvars file. null Yes

Detailed description of network_definitions map

networking_definitions = {
  "Central US" = { //This needs to be the name of the region to deploy workload
      "region_abbreviation"    = "" //This is a freeform abbreviation of the region
      "hub_vnet_address_space" = [""] //The RFC1918 address space to be used for the hub (minimum /24)
      "regional_azure_networks" = { //This is a list of all networks within the Azure Region (including the hub network).
        "Azure_10.100.0.0_16" = "" //Format should be name = address. The name must contain NO SPACES.
      "dns_servers"       = [""] //A list of DNS Servers that resources should use to query both private and public DNS
      "gatewaysubnet"     = "" //A minimum of /27 (larger if more VPNs) allocated from hub_vnet_address_space
      "subnet_trust"      = "" //A minimum of /26 allocated from hub_vnet_address_space
      "subnet_management" = "" //A minimum of /26 allocated from hub_vnet_address_space
      "subnet_untrust"    = "" //A minimum of /26 allocated from hub_vnet_address_space
      "trust_lb_ip"       = "" //The IP address from the subnet_trust that should be static for the Load Balancer
      "nva_configuration" = {
        "inbound" = { //This section is for the Palo Altos to be used purely for routing inbound traffic
          "" = { //The Device Name of the Palo Alto. Should be unique
            trust_ip               = "" //The IP address to allocate to the trust interface, from subnet_trust
            management_ip          = "" //The IP address to allocate to the management interface, from subnet_management
            untrust_ip             = [""] //A list of IPs to be set on the untrust interface, from subnet_untrust
            zone                   = "" //The availability zone to deploy the PaloAlto in
            vm_auth_key            = "" //**bootstrap** The authorization key for the Palo to connect to Panorama
            tplname                = "" //**bootstrap** The template name in Panorama to deploy to the device
            dgname                 = "" //**bootstrap** The Device Group name in Panorama to deploy to the device
            registration_pin_id    = "" //**bootstrap** The panorama registration pin id
            registration_pin_value = "" //**bootstrap** The panorama registration pin value
        "obew" = {
          "" = { //The Device Name of the Palo Alto. Should be unique
            trust_ip               = "" //The IP address to allocate to the trust interface, from subnet_trust
            management_ip          = "" //The IP address to allocate to the management interface, from subnet_management
            untrust_ip             = "" //The IP address to allocate to the untrust interface, from subnet_untrust
            zone                   = "" //The availability zone to deploy the PaloAlto in
            vm_auth_key            = "" //**bootstrap** The authorization key for the Palo to connect to Panorama
            tplname                = "" //**bootstrap** The template name in Panorama to deploy to the device
            dgname                 = "" //**bootstrap** The Device Group name in Panorama to deploy to the device
            registration_pin_id    = "" //**bootstrap** The panorama registration pin id
            registration_pin_value = "" //**bootstrap** The panorama registration pin value
        "vpn_gateway_sku" = "" //The SKU size of the VPN
        "vpn_gateway_asn" = "" //The ASN number to allocate to the VPN endpoint, defaults to 65515
      "vpns" = { //This section contains the IPSec VPNs to be deployed. In the event no VPNs are required for this region leave {}
        "" = { //The name of the VPN
          gateway_address = "" //The destination address to connect to
          address_space   = [""] //The destination addresses if BGP not configured
          bgp_settings = { //https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/vpn-gateway/vpn-gateway-bgp-overview
            asn = "" //The BGP ASN number. If Blank then no BGP is configured
            bgp_peering_address = "" //The BGP peering address and BGP identifier of this BGP speaker.
            peer_weight = "" //The weight added to routes learned from this BGP speaker.
          pre-shared-key  = "" //The pre-shared key of the IPSec tunnel
      "express_route_gateway_sku = "" https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/expressroute/expressroute-about-virtual-network-gateways#gwsku
    "express_route_connections" = [""] //A list of ExpressRoute circuits to connect the Express Route gateway into.

Detailed description of express_routes_gateway map

express_route_definitions = { //This section contains the Express Routes.
        "" = { //The name of the ExpressRoute
          service_provider_name = "" //The name of service provider, e.g. MegaPort
          peering_location      = "" //The peering location 
          bandwidth_in_mbps     = "" //The bandwidth of the ExpressRoute
          tier                  = "" //The tier of ExpressRoute (standard or premium)
          family                = "" //The data plan, either MeteredData or Unlimited
          azure_private_peering     = { //https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/expressroute/expressroute-howto-routing-portal-resource-manager#to-create-azure-private-peering
            peer_asn = "" //The Either a 16-bit or a 32-bit ASN. Can either be public or private.
            ipv4_primary_subnet = "" //A /30 subnet for the primary link.
            ipv4_secondary_subnet = "" //A /30 subnet for the secondary link.
            vlan_id = "" //A valid VLAN ID to establish this peering on.
            shared_key = "" //(Optional) The shared key. Can be a maximum of 25 characters