
Spam Message Detector App: This is a AI based spam message filtering app design using bootstrap and developed on flask server.

Primary LanguageHTML

Spam Message Detector App

Kaggle Python 3.6 NLTK scikit-learn Pandas Platform

This is an AI-based spam classification system developed using Flask and deployment at Heroku Cloud.

Technologies Used

The following technologies are used developing this web application:

  • Boostrap(Frontend)
  • Flask(Backend)
  • Sklearn(Model Development)
  • Pandas(Data Handling)
  • Heroku Cloud (Hosting Server)


  1. Importing essential libraries
  2. Loading the dataset
  3. Importing essential libraries for performing Natural Language Processing on 'Spam Collection' dataset
  4. Cleaning the messages 5. Cleaning special character from the message 6. Converting the entire message into lower case 7. Tokenizing the review by words 8. Removing the stop words 9. Stemming the words 10. Joining the stemmed words 11. Building a corpus of messages
  5. Creating the TF-IDF model
  6. Model Building(LogisticRegression)
  7. Deploy Model in Heroku using Flask


Spam Message Detector App Screenshot

Live WebApp Link'


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