- 10
[16.0] GeoIP not activating
#637 opened by JordiBForgeFlow - 1
add new module to existing repo
#632 opened by weinni2000 - 6
Odoo 18 Docker File
#625 opened by carlosecv - 1
Can't start instances with `prod.yaml`
#616 opened by shepilov-vladislav - 9
- 4
Cannot build V 17.0 on ARM64
#610 opened by bosd - 2
The generated /etc/adduser.conf may be corrupted
#607 opened by obayit - 4
- 4
Cannot build doodba 10.0-onbuild
#594 opened by manuel-florido - 20
Authentication Failure in test and prod env
#418 opened by bosd - 8
[17.0] Geoip not working correctly
#600 opened by shaneo1 - 3
Cannot build doodba:8.0-onbuild Image
#544 opened by samsagaz - 4
Publish docker images for arm64
#567 opened by xavivars - 1
- 3
Odoo 16: links in addons path won't work
#468 opened by joao-p-marques - 18
Backups not working in 15.0 with postgresql 14
#537 opened by rquevedo - 4
Upgrade to Python 3.11 base image
#564 opened by joeri-jansen - 5
Excesive top margin downloading PDF documents
#589 opened by manuel-florido - 6
- 1
flanker is missing the redis dependency
#583 opened by yajo - 5
[16.0] `addons` script puts `base` module in `extra` if specified in `addons.yaml`
#545 opened by aleuffre - 1
"invoke git-aggregate" failing with "REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED"
#543 opened by ska-ibees - 3
Invalid signature when building
#542 opened by saltonmassally - 4
Outdated images for 11.0 and 12.0
#540 opened by Tardo - 5
Cannot Pull doodba:12.0-onbuild Image
#538 opened by edipiqoni - 1
- 8
Translation problem in dooba odoo generated image
#469 opened by ceballos59 - 1
LDAP error
#387 opened by anderwm - 5
Suggestion: Replacing wdb with wdb.aiohttp
#437 opened by aleuffre - 4
Can't install by default all addons from core odoo 14.0
#485 opened by yajo - 3
[Feature Request] Independent wkhtmltopdf image
#389 opened by amon-ra - 1
Deploying Odoo V12 in test environment fails due to f-strings not supported on python 3.5
#491 opened by ssaid - 10
Odoo 15.0 flanker installation seems incomplete
#486 opened by ap-wtioit - 3
- 2
Error build version 10
#470 opened by ValentinVinagre - 2
Security issues found on the last v14 image
#464 opened by Garcicasti - 1
Support Odoo Enterprise with Doodba
#460 opened by luismata01 - 0
- 0
Geoip no longer working for devel.yaml
#454 opened by ap-wtioit - 3
eslint 8.0.0 incompatible with 13.0.Dockerfile
#450 opened by ap-wtioit - 1
odoo.conf bug
#445 opened by jguenat - 1
Odoo V14 Inotify error after pulling new source
#425 opened by bosd - 0
What is the best way to update Nodejs
#415 opened by farvashani - 1
Error When I Try with DB_FILTER
#411 opened by luismata01 - 1
Openupgrade with doodba
#409 opened by carlosecv - 3
How to reupdate letsencrypt certificate
#405 opened by carlosecv - 0
- 0
traefik fails to access the correct container
#397 opened by albjeremias - 0
Error in Prod enviroment
#394 opened by jaiodoo - 1