Alexa is a feature-rich Telegram bot developed in Python using the Pyrogram library. It provides a range of functionalities and can be easily customized to suit specific needs.
Follow the steps below to set up and run the Alexa Telegram Bot:
Create Virtual Environment:
python -m venv vnv
Activate the Virtual Environment:
On Windows:
On Unix or MacOS:
source vnv/bin/activate
This will activate the virtual environment.
Update the Configuration File:
Update the
file with your Telegram API credentials and other required information.BOT_TOKEN = "your_bot_token" API_ID = "your_api_id" API_HASH = "your_api_hash" MONGO_URL = "your_mongo_db_url" LOG_CHAT = "your_log_chat_id" OWNER_ID = "your_owner_id" SPAM_LOG_CHAT_ID = "your_spam_log_chat_id" SUDO_USERS = "comma_separated_list_of_sudo_user_ids" SUPPORT_CHAT_URL = ""
Install Requirements:
Run the following command to install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Bot:
Execute the following command to run the Alexa bot:
python -m Alexa
Additional Notes:
Ensure that you have Python installed on your system. The bot uses the Pyrogram library, which handles the interaction with the Telegram API. Customize the bot functionalities by exploring and modifying the provided codebase. Feel free to contribute, report issues, or suggest improvements to make Alexa even better! Happy botting!